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Gone, but not forgotten
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About rafine

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  • Location
    Delray Beach, Florida

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  1. Thanks so much to all for the good wishes. I greatly appreciate them. Bob
  2. An update on me, not on my Winnie..I just got out of the hospital in Florida and have flown to New York to enter the hospital here to undergo open heart valve surgery. it’s likely that I won’t be back in Florida for at least a month. Winnie will remain on hold for at least that amount of time. Bob P
  3. Congratulations ,Chuck. A truly spectaular acheivement and the basis for the finest kit ever offered. . Bob .
  4. Great work, Rusty. Your attention to detail is lesson to all of us. Bob
  5. Coming along really nicely. You’ve done the hard parts. It should be easy and fun from here. Bob
  6. Thanks so much Jim, Glenn, Ben, Grant, Bob, Thomas and JJ for the generous comments. Thanks also to the "likes". Jim, I' glad that someone will benefit from my exercise in clumsiness .Definitely a good idea to leave the swivels off til the end. Glenn, the final display will be a wooden base with a frameless acrylic top. The model will be mounted just as it is now on brass rods inserted into brass tubes .I have grown partial to that method over the years. Thomas, the fleet at home never grows. I am on a strict " one in ,one out" policy. Every time I finish a model to be kept at home, one of the existing home fleet has to go. Through the years, I have given many to family and friends and donated some to charitable auctions. Bob
  7. I have now completed the work in chapter 11. The final items were the gangways, gangboards and their supporting knees, the newel posts and fancy rails, and the gangway ladders. Although the work was relatively straightforward, it was done in tight crowded spaces and required an extra measure of care. Apparently, I didn’t do that because I damaged a number of previously installed items, including snapping off off three more swivel guns. This meant that my final work was damage repair and replacement and touch up painting. The attached photos show the work done with a few overall shots of the model as it sits now. Bob
  8. Dave, you're off to a great start. Over the course of my 50+ years of model building, I've actually done Rattlesnake twice. Unfortunately, I don't have either model, no photos and very little memory of the building process to be able to offer much specific help. I do recall that I enjoyed building them, and hope that you will, as well. Bob
  9. Jim, there are 26 5mm and 34 6mm needed. If you are using Syren deadeye kits, you will need 1 pack of each size. Bob
  10. Thanks so much thomas. Thanks also to the "likes". Always appreciated. Bob
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