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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Thanks so much Elijah , Rusty and the "likes". Hope all is going well wth the move Rusty. Bob
  2. Thanks so much Sjors, Nils, John and JP for the nice comments. Thanks also to the "likes".As always, your interest and attention is appreciated. Bob
  3. The port side upper planking is now completed and treenailed. It was done exactly as previously described for the starboard side. Next up will be the second layer of the wales and the counter planking. Bob
  4. That is a truly impressive piece of work Dave. It will be magnificent when completed, whether or not you rig it. Bob
  5. Thanks so much Albert and Peter and the "likes". It's not my intention to make openings for the windows Peter. I'm going to use Micro Kristal Klear for the glazing, which is translucent and against a black background will give apparent depth. Bob
  6. Work is now well underway on the upper hull planking. I have done the starboard side and am working on the port side. The work has consisted of planking to completion above the wales and adding the three strakes of base planking for the wales. The planking is being done with boxwood strip from Crown. The caulking is simulated using pencil on one side and end of each plank. Where necessary, the planks were bent using soaking in boiling water. Most of the planks are beveled on one edge to assure a tight fit. Treenailing is simulated using the drill and fill method, using walnut filler in #75 holes. Both the planking layout and the treenail pattern generally follow those shown in the AOTS Granado book. I expect to be working on the port side all of this coming week. Bob
  7. Thanks so much Al. I've been retired for some time now ( that just means I'm kind of old ). One of the nicest parts of retirement is having plenty of available modeling time. I wish you the best in yours. Bob
  8. Thanks so much Sjors, Thomas and the "likes". I'm glad to be keeping you happy Sjors. Bob
  9. Thanks so much Joe and the "likes". Good reminder Joe on doing on doing a view block.I haven't done it yet. Bob
  10. I've done the initial work on the interior. This involved cutting off the bulkhead extensions and sanding the tops of the bulkheads; adding the sub-deck; planking the interior of the bulwarks; lining the gunports ;and painting the bulwarks and gunports. The first two tasks were straightforward: I used a side cutter to snip off the extensions and a chisel and sanding sticks to smooth off the bulkhead tops; I cut the sub-deck into two pieces to make gluing it on a little easier. The bulwark interior was another matter. After wasting nearly an entire day trying to make the kit supplied bulwark pieces (precut walnut similar to the external gunport pieces) fit properly, I finally just gave up and proceeded to plank the bulwarks with boxwood strip. It's simply amazing to me that using supposedly time saving kit parts should be that much more difficult than doing it the old fashioned time consuming way. It's little wonder that inexperienced modelers get fed up with kits and fail to complete projects. (end of rant ) Now it's on to the upper outer hull planking. Bob
  11. After some time off for travel, I've now completed the first planking by doing the starboard side. Once again, this was simply a matter of getting a smooth covering without much regard to prototype planking patterns. I've decided to do some interior work before doing the final outer planking. This will involve at least cutting off the bulkhead extensions and adding the sub-deck and the inner bulwark pieces. Bob
  12. Thanks so much Popeye and the "likes". I have boxwood and holly to do the second planking and I'm going that route. Bob
  13. Congrats Sal. What a wonderful build. You have every reason to be very proud of both the model and the award. Bob
  14. Thanks so much Elijah, Sjors and the "likes". You must be taking a very long vacation Sjors. Bob
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