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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Thanks so much Nils, Hamilton and the "likes". Much appreciated. Bob
  2. I've completed the first planking of the lower hull on the port side. My intention was to do it "quick and dirty" , so as to achieve a smooth, flowing surface for the second planking, without worrying too much about a prototypical planking pattern. My reaction after doing this work is to wonder why anyone would want to bother with double planking a hull. It seems like an awful lot of extra work. I'm still going to have to do all of the lay-out work for the final planking that I would have done if it were single planked. In any event, it's now on to the starboard side. Bob
  3. This was a fun build, Brian. I think that everyone who has done it would agree. Lots of room for individuality in detailing. Bob
  4. Nils, it probably fits the description of a ketch, although I don't know if it was designated as such. Joe, I am following along with your build at every step. I'm finding it extremely helpful. Thanks, Hamilton for your interest. Bob
  5. Thanks so much Thomas, Scott and Nils and the "likes". Thomas, I must say that it seems like framing the bulwarks and ports would be as easy as using the ply parts, but that probably doesn't fit with the double planking method. Nils, so far the kit seems good, although I will be replacing the wood for the hull and deck planking. A copy of a photo from the manual is attached so you can see what she looks like completed. Bob
  6. Another of the tedious tasks out of the way. The ply gunport strips have been installed. They actually turned out to be less troublesome than I had expected. I first did the fairing of the bulkheads to achieve a smooth run.Then, following the lead of prior builders of this kit, I glued (using medium CA) and clamped only the lower portions of the strips to the bulkheads. This seemed to avoid kinking. Since the upper extensions of the bulkheads will be removed later, this will also ease that process. It is time now to turn to doing the first planking on the hull. Bob
  7. Thanks so much Popeye and the "likes". The cutouts in the bulkhead come with the kit part .They allow for open space behind a ventilation port. Bob
  8. For all the troubles you've gone through, the result is wonderful. The ratlines look great (as does everything else). You might, however, want to try to keep it simpler in the future. Bob
  9. Work on Granado has now begun. As always, the initial work is fairly routine and a "just get through it" process. The ply framing pieces are good, although the slots are a little loose. This was easily corrected by my usual practice of overdoing bracing of the bulkheads with stripwood pieces. I also added pieces to box the mast holes. The point of interest to me was that I decided to plank the lower hull in holly. As a result, I needed to do the stem and keel in holly, as well. The stem was cut from holly sheet, using the kit part as a template. The keel was cut from holly strip, with a boxwood strip added for a false keel, as shown in AOTS. Now it's on to the dreaded gunport strips. Bob
  10. Great looking rigging Sal. I've found that no matter how many times I've done it, the run of the lines down to their belaying points is always a puzzle. My "solution" is often to leave a lot of the lines hanging loose until I can figure out which will go in front of what. Not scientific, but useful. Bob
  11. Thanks again to all who have responded so favorably to completion of my Cheerful. I am blown away by your support. Bob
  12. Looking good Erik. I really admire your high tech set up. It reminds me of mine. Bob
  13. Welcome aboard to all. There are plenty of good seats and refreshments available. I really appreciate the interest.Thanks. Bob
  14. Thanks so much to all for the generous comments and good wishes, as well as the"likes". While none of us build for the purpose of receiving praise, it is certainly gratifying to have highly skilled modelers appreciate what you do. Thank you again. Bob '.
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