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Everything posted by Jparsley

  1. Hey guys and gals Ran out of my single hole blocks I've ordered them but waiting for them to come in So I took advice from a couple of chaps on another string and decided to change my mast woolings I gues they are called the brass rings on the masts and bowsprit to rope to make it a little more traditional looking So here is the out come
  2. I have absolutely no idea but from listening to y'all I am learning more and more Not sure if I'll ever get good enough to use the information but I do enjoy watching y'all perform such detailed work
  3. Thanks to both of your inputs the kit tells you to use the flashy rings I like the grungy true to build look
  4. Nice work my friend the quarter gallies look great and the port doors look convincingly real I want your talent
  5. Hey Jan Thanks for the input I took it to heart and modified my masts or at least starting too Used rope instead of the brass rings
  6. Sorry for the quality of the pictures my iPhone camera is not very good
  7. Ok this is what I've done It is not pinned Let me know what y'all think or if I need to change it
  8. Thank you gentlemen that is exactly what I needed
  9. thank you Stockholm the input is welcomed im familiar with parrels but not with jeers can you explain that one lol thank you again
  10. I am wondering what is the correct way to attach my yards to my masts the pictures that came with my kit are blurry and I can not make out any details I am trying to build the usf constellation by artesania latina is any one has an idea please let me know I want to do more detail than a simple knot lol thanks
  11. Now that's a dragon with some seriously scary looking dorsal fins Great job
  12. Thank you dimitris it's fun to do my instructions do not explain how to attach the yards so I'm pricing it together the best I can lol
  13. OK guys quick update the mizzenmast is completed all that's left is the standing rigging in the running rigging and all that mess need to add the sails But all the yard alarms are on I even trade seizing up the rope that holds at the bottom yard that was interesting tight squeeze any comments please let me know
  14. tom great job on the sails they look wonderful love the leach lines since i cant see well on my phone the detail of the yard and the attchment throw me am i seeing correctly that you used brass rings to attch it however you did it looks great
  15. Ok guys now this part of the build I have really enjoyed The mizzenmast is completed and ready for installation the hardest part I found was tapering the mast and getting them to match the pattern Of course as everyone knows the blocks that are supplied are of poor shape and quality so I did have to reshape them into oval type shape but overall making the mast was fairly straightforward
  16. Hey tom I was looking at my plans and reviewing your build I noticed that your mizzenmast is not the same as my plans Did yours have this extra support
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