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Posts posted by G.L.

  1. I start the outside planking with placing the wales.

    Inspired by a lot of Triton cross section builders, I decide to make the wales in an anker stock pattern. Accordingly to 'Historic ship models' of Zu Montfeld the planks were 384 cm long and 12 cm wide at the ends and 24 cm in the middle. It is not possible to keep those exact sizes due to the frame intervals and the wales with on the cross section drawings. I draw a pattern with wales of which the dimensions are as close as possible.



  2. While applying the inner planking and rectifying my mistakes with the port holes and the frame lengths, I continue laying the gun deck. Like on the lower deck only the portside will be fully planked. At the starboard side planking will be omitted from the starboard topsail sheet bit on. I lay the first two planks on each side of the forward hatch.


  3. 37 minutes ago, Wintergreen said:

    Nice build GL.

    It looks very much like the British smack.


    You have a challenge in that you work with pine and oak, but I think you manage very well. The deck looks excellent.

    Thank You Hakan,

    The 'Ostend shipje' has some similarity with the British smack, but it is only half the size of it. Flemish fishermen who evaded to Great Brittan during the 1st World War got acquainted with the smack and introduced the type in Belgium after the war. I have somewhere a smack cross section project on the shelf, but have to finish first my HMS Triton cross section.



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