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Bill Morrison

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Everything posted by Bill Morrison

  1. I agree that these kits can be made into beautiful serious models with care, patience, and research. The advice that everyone has given is spot-on. The plans do provide the templates for the hull shapes; these should be traced and cut out on paper, then copied onto heavy cardboard before being used. Just ask if you need help. I have every one of the clippers and am looking forward to eventually building them. Good luck!
  2. Thanks, gentlemen! I will indeed check with Shipyard then order that laser cut detail set and a new model if necessary. And, that is the last Chinese company I will buy from. Bill
  3. Clare, I do have photos of each stage completed so far. Basically, it is the framework for the hull as well as the secondary battery. I am stuck on the casemates, though. I may have made the secondary gun shields too large, so I have to redo them. One thing that I do is to run copies of the kit sheets on my printer on heavy stock paper. That way, I can mess up something and have the original from which to make new copies. One question I have for you . . . what are the outside measurements of the original magazine for this kit? The reason I ask is that I just bought the Shipyard kit of the HMS Cleopatra from a Chinese source (Not any of those prohibited!). It arrived wrapped in shrink wrap that contains an 8X11 magazine. The pages are not bound, making me thing that they bought the original kit from Shipyard, copied them to a flash drive, and are simply printing them up. I'm not sure that the kit I received is printed in 1/96 scale. Thank you for your help! Bill
  4. Elijah, Happy Birthday! Don't forget to let me know where I should send the MS USS Essex. Bill Morrison
  5. Great job so far! I just recently got started in paper modeling with the German battlecruiser Goeben by JSC. Unfortunately, I have reached a problem that I have been puzzled about how to solve. But, I will persevere! I love those 1/96 scale sailing ships! Bill
  6. Elijah, The reason I ask is that I have an older and out of production solid hull kit of the USS Essex, Frigate, that I would like to give to you as a way of encouraging your excellent work. It is the 5/16" scale small model. I have several and am willing to give one to you. Bill
  7. He is on Fine Scale Modeler Ship Forum. His thread is Soleil Royal (WIP). Check it out . . . you will be impressed! Bill
  8. mtaylor, Thanks! The one in East Haddam is about 15 miles from where I live. I will contact them tomorrow. Thanks again! Bill
  9. Gentlemen, Thanks! I have passed your comments along, and he is very appreciative. Bill
  10. I am jealous of those here who live in the Puget Sound area! I served two tours in the Navy there on submarines, and my two children were born in Bremerton. But, home is where the Navy left me and we settled in Connecticut. I am also jealous about that club! I might have to start one here. Bill
  11. Rob, Simply stunning work! Are you interested in solid hull kits at all? Bill
  12. Elijah, I just saw your thread, and I am most impressed! Does this seem like a hobby that you would like to continue? If so, what would you like to build next? Again, great job! Bill
  13. Rob, I have just found this thread! Outstanding job as usual! You continue to amaze and impress. Bill
  14. Sherry, I just tripped into this thread because I, too, am building this beautiful ship. I must say that your work is truly astounding! I must comment about the "history" of this ship as stated in the manufacturer's comments and on this site. While it is true that a ship maned San Felipe was in the Spanish Armada, it wasn't the ship both you and I are building. Our San Felipe may or may not have been built, but the design is clearly late-17th century, perhaps as late as the 1690 date stated, but this ship could not have existed during the times of the armada, which happened in 1588, or 102 years before the stated date of building. That said, it is clear that, at the very least, the ship we are modeling does have the general physical characteristics of Spanish 100 gun ships-of-the-line, in terms of hull shape, length, draft, and other proportions. Therefore, I believe that the ship possibly/probably existed. Again, I am amazed by your skills! Bill
  15. I have to say that that HMS Leopard by Larissa is truly exceptional! I will probably never reach that level of skill! Bill
  16. Mark, He is building the Heller 1/100 Le Soleil Royal of the late 17th century, and is doing a spectacular job of it. He has done a remarkable job of painting her using artist oil paints, and has used aftermarket blocks to complete the standing rigging. He is now working on the yards and the running rigging. Like on every other aspect of this build, he wants to make sure that his parrels are correct for the nationality and the period. Please look at his build log if you would like to see a work of art in plastic! His thread is under the authorship of David_K and the thread is titled Heller Soleil Royal (WIP). Thanks for any help! Bill
  17. I have a friend who asked the following question on the Fine Scale Modeling site: When making or purchasing aftermarket parrels, how do we ensure that we have the right scale? I recommended three references, Anderson's Rigging of ships in the days of the spritsail topmast, Campbell's Jackstay, and Mondfeld's Historic ship models. Can anyone offer other references or discussion points? Thanks! Bill
  18. Okay, I have to ask. Where is Wolcott? Although I live in the Groton/New London area, I teach high school U.S. History in Hartford, and two UCONN courses in Western Civ. The high school is the oldest public high in the U.A., Hartford Public founded in 1638.
  19. I know that the last post to this thread was posted two years ago, but I would like to hear about how you dealt with the stern plate. I am currently building this model but I have no idea about how I will attach it given its heaviness. Can you please educate me? Also, I am impressed with your build! Thanks! Bill
  20. I am most impressed! What part of Connecticut are you in? I live near Groton/New London.
  21. Pawel, I am curious to find out about attaching the transom plate and the quarter galleries, given the heaviness of the parts. How did you or are you planning on doing so? Bill
  22. Greetings! I just tripped into this log. Have you finished restoring the poor girl? Bill
  23. Pawel, Great job so far! Have you made any progress in the last year and a half? Bill Morrison
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