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Bill Morrison

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Everything posted by Bill Morrison

  1. OUTSTANDING Job, especially for your first ship. I am most impressed! Bill
  2. I agree that the sheer of the lower wales would be too much to correct. However, I feel that the most egregious errors in the Heller kit can be repaired with the result that a decent model can be made. The first, an error made by the Heller craftsmen, concerns the closed quarter galleries. The Tanneron model clearly depicts open galleries, which I believe to be correct. The second stems from the fact that Tanneron died before finishing his model. Hence, there is that large slot in the knee of the head, which Heller faithfully reproduced. Heller also molded flimsy belaying pins along the rails that are not depicted on the Tanneron model. Indeed, belaying pins did not come into use until well after the destruction of the ship. I have made these corrections in my model. I look forward to following your progress. I have great interest in these ships! Bill
  3. "Outstanding work But I think it is a shame to have taken as a reference the Heller Royal Sun, itself inspired by the Tanneron model, with many errors and anomalies compared to the reality of the true Royal Sun. The work would not have been more difficult and you would have obtained a very correct model." Actually, there were at least three ships named Le Soleil Royal , the first is depicted in the famous paintings by Berain, Louis XIV's official decorator of the ship. Heller's and Tanneron's models are clearly not this ship. However, in the book Les Vasseaus du Louis XIV, which shows detail drawings of many ships of this period, the Tanneron model clearly depicts a 104 gun ship of the line with the beautiful lines of the period. Interestingly, the author shows the waterlines of these ships coming to the lower wale, which, if done on the Heller kit, looks more appropriate to a heavily Dutch-influenced design. Many of Louis XIV"s ships were influenced by Dutch designs with typically more shallow waterlines. I have long believed that the Tanneron model in the Musee de la Marine, hence, the Heller kit, is of the second Le Soleil Royal of 104 guns. Several paintings of this ship in battle exist which portray a ship very similar in appearance to the Tanneron model, which may be more accurate than it is generally thought. Anyway, I believe that you are doing a terrific job, and I may choose to emulate you in the near future! Bill Morrison
  4. I just found this thread! You are doing a wonderful job! I plan on following along. Bill
  5. Craig, Please send me your address at the email address above so that I can send you the figurehead. Bill
  6. I admit, your President does look fantastic! My compliments on a job well done! Bill
  7. I bought them from an online store on eBay. I forget their name but they constantly have new Constructo kits, including HMS Warrior. I bought the HMS Prince and La Flore from them several months ago. They currently have the Artesania Latina French Frigate Hermione at a sale price. Please send me a pm with your mailing address and I will send the Pandora figurehead. I just checked eBay. The seller to whom I refer is called trainz. There are other shops selling Constructo products as well. My only concern about the Pandora kit is the shape of the bow and forecastle. It seems too sharp. The AoTS diagrams show a more rounded appearance based on other British designs. However, with no evidence to the contrary, I would challenge anyone to say categorically that the kit design is inaccurate. I, too like Constructo. Their kits are fun to build. Bill
  8. That is what I was thinking. I know that the RN also had a couple of sloops-of-war named President in the late 1600's, and a few cutters the next century. The Sloops had 18 guns. Perhaps cutting two more gun ports on each side and fitting guns there would give a reasonable sloop of war. I might try that approach. Bill
  9. Craig, I have an extra figurehead for this kit if you'd like it. Also, has Constructo really gone out of business? I just bought their recently re-released kit of the HMS Prince and the La Flore. Please let me know. Bill
  10. I believe that you did an exceptional job with this kit! Very well done! My comments are not meant as criticism at all, but, I am still trying to figure out precisely what the kit is supposed to depict in the eyes of the kit designers. It has too few guns to be a Post Ship/Sloop-of-War, too many masts to be either a cutter (of which there were two named HMS President) or a Brig, and "HMS" applies to ships commissioned into the Royal Navy. That rules out a merchantman. I'm not sure about the type of ship stated on the box as being a "Light Frigate". To the best of my mind, no such nomenclature ever existed. Perhaps someone could enlighten us. It sure would make for an interesting discussion! Bill
  11. What a beautiful job! I am particularly impressed with the parrels. Many modelers seem to have difficulty with them. Great job overall! Bill Morrison
  12. I just found this build. You are doing beautiful work, especially for your first ship model. I am very impressed! Bill Morrison
  13. Is the issue of the existence of San Felipe resolved? The last that I have read is that there is no solid evidence either way, which would make a model of her questionable in detail. There is, however, a record of a three-deck ship-of-the-line in Spanish service between 1732 and 1750 named "Real Felipe" that seems to closely approximate the Panart model of San Felipe. There are no contemporary paintings or drawings of the ship, simply illustrations of the ship made by artists after she was broken up. The illustrations differ in detail, but general appearance seems consistent. The model is close. Therefore, the kit of the Felipe can be said to be a close approximation of the Real Felipe. The ship history contained in the kit is incorrect, as is the case with so many kits. The ship did not exist in 1690; 1732 seems more probable. I would build the kit if that is the one that appeals to you. Bill Morrison
  14. Greetings!  I am a contributor to MSW who builds both wood and plastic ship models from kits.  I wanted to reach out to you in order to assure you that there are many of us who do so and greatly appreciate well-made and painted plastic kits.  In fact, there is a section on the forums dedicated to plastic ship kits.  Please, feel free to contact me to discuss ships we have built!  I would welcome such a conversation with you.


    Bill Morrison

  15. You are doing a wonderful job! My only comment concerns the hole or slot in the knee of the head. The Heller plastic kit has the same feature, and I have been planning on filling it. What are your thoughts? Bill
  16. Beautiful job! I have this kit as well, but I lost interest in it when I couldn't quite figure out just what it was supposed to represent. You have inspired me to go ahead anyway. Thank you! Bill Morrison
  17. Steve, That is an excellent job! Victory is also my first plank-on-bulkhead wood ship, but I am using the much smaller Aeropiccola version (long out of production!). I believe that I will use your photos as inspiration. Bill Morrison
  18. Great and remarkable job! I have always been interested in this ship and have a small bank account set up to save for it. After seeing your work, I think I will go and make another deposit this morning. Bill
  19. I have always preferred Thermopylae to Cutty Sark. I have considered purchasing this kit, so I am very interested in this build! Nice job so far. Bill
  20. I just found this thread, and I am indeed very interested! I am attempting to model the SR ala Berain, but nothing to match the depth of research and surgery you are planning! I may have to rethink my approach, although I do want to include the color scheme in Berain's paintings. I will certainly be following your thread very closely! Bill
  21. I also like Mamoli's HMS Victory, USS Constitution, Rattlesnake, and Flying Cloud. Their Rattlesnake looks better to me than those of Model Shipways. But, the Royal Louis tops the list for me!
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