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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. welcome to the build log canoe21 tys for the kind words i know u are doig the AL kit if iam right of the victory witch is a lot of diff build the gun ports on your build was pre cut out if iam right . i got to cut all mine out by hand lol iam going to see if i can build a jig far it so i can get it right but got to get the deck right and that stuff done trying to keep it going there update real soon
  2. ok i have got the sec deck all planked going to sand it tommorw as u all know iam building this in memory of a good best friend who passed a way his wife said to me he wanted the walnut deck so iam keeping true to that for him . as u can in the pic still one little deck to go so far all is good here the pic
  3. ok here barry here are some pic for ya to try to help u hopes this helps u out if u need more info just ask good luck take your time theres no need to rush it
  4. looks vary nice so far i have the same build as for the staires what i did was lighty glued the post to a peice of wood then glued the frist 3 steps from the bottom then started the cuve for there step 1mm apart if u like look at my build u see what i mean good luck with your build keep up the great work
  5. very nice work u got going on there nice and clean keep up the great work
  6. hello jeff the gunports are not precut on my build i have to cut them out lol after i plank the hull not going to be fun if u know what i mean
  7. hi dave looking vary nice iam not forword to the rigging part of my build lol keep up the great work
  8. welcome to my build log dave thank for the kind words yes iam haveing fun with the build its a hard kit but iam getting really good exp from the build that i will but in to diff builds as i go on in time its looking real good so far
  9. ok in the pic u will i got the holes cut on the lower deck now .i know u dont see the fillers in place i was talking that helping me it its cuz in useing thicker planking for the deck then what it calls for in the book it will come out right so it wont be so hight my good friend has build the victory befor that a big help to me he was over last night helping me
  10. tys jeff for your kind words tys popeye and as far as the deck goes i found that if u planked the deck befor u install it it curl bad like it did for me so what i did was installed the deck then planked it and it came out well and did not curl on me but i forgot to cut out the two holes opps working on that now lol
  11. looking very nice the gun ports look great iam not looking forward to mine on my build lol
  12. well jeff u are just moveing right a long with the build i see so far i see its going really for u its looking great so far i like the plateing that u are doing where u get the plate at
  13. the craftmenship u have done is sec to none very good work that rigging looks really good keep up the great work
  14. tys jeff iam happy with it came out better then i thot it would
  15. very nice work there jerry very clean i like net u are doing as iam working on the corel kit
  16. in the pic u can see the lower deck is all planked in walnut not the dark stuff the wood is 1.5x5 to me looks really good so far i put the deck in frist then planked it took a bit longer then i thot came out real good
  17. hi all in the pics u will i did some planking so far it has turned out really well for me and for popeye he said there was to much of a gap whear the bulkhead meet the decks just for u popeye do u see the gap now lol i fixed that tys for the tip popeye let me know what u all think so far
  18. hello popeye i know what u mean i found that the thin strips curl me as well i dont think walnut was a bad thing to do its does look real good so far and did not curl on me just about got the frist deck done its talkeing a bit longer to plank but better in the long run i think
  19. tys canoe now looks like i got the flu what next i dont feel good at all update not to sure when tho
  20. hello popeye the planks iam going to use is a 1.1x5mm iam trying to build here for a good friend i had if u know what i mean i think its will look just fine hello jpett hope u feel better up date real soon just trying to do the best i can hello jeff thay are a bit wide but that ok like i was say i have to do with what i can get from the hobby shop that all thay had
  21. here is a pic of the deck in walnut not glued yet just test
  22. here is the wood strips iam going to use for planking the decks light wood
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