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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. here in this pic u will see i glued the front pieces on so looking like a bost now lol. so here are the pic
  2. ok now in the pic the 2 halfs are glued not to much i can do for till it drys so here are some pic of where iam at now.
  3. vary well done u have done really great work keep up the great work
  4. hello all ok here is what iv done so far i have now installed the supports for the masts now .so that part is all done now .and i have installed the support for the decks front and rear .so now the book says i have to start the planking i hate this part lol. its something i will have to get used to i guess.i nuff talking here are some pic for u all .and mobbsie and popeye hope u guys like it so far. and the left and right side in the pic are not glued its just to show how it looks so far
  5. ok mobbise and popeye i will look more on the internet to see if i can frind something on the rake for the boat. i got some wood from the hobby shop where i iam at . here a pic of it i will put them in place tonight and let them dry over night befor i don any more work to the boat .by the way thank u both for your help .here a pic of the wood i got today
  6. popeye and mobbsi i did go over the plans 2 times and read the book 2 time there is nothing about the rake at all so iam stuck there if u can help ples. not to sure what to do there iam not at the stage yet just thot i let u both know now befor i get to it thanks
  7. ok some work that i have done last night. i did not put in the mast blocks yet as iam going out today to get some wood for it so i can put them in place befor i do more work. but i did put all the deck in place now here some pic for ya all.
  8. mobbsie when u seen the mail man i bet u ran right to him befor he got to the door lol..vary nice gear u got there have fun with it
  9. i still have to say the ship is looking great keep up the great work
  10. ok popeye in the pic u will see where i mark its for the block for the mast is this what u was talking about. glue a block in there befor i go further in the build. hope this is right
  11. mobbsie thanku for all you info it will be a big help thank u popeye i know u build one side at a time the deck goes on one side i will show pic so u can see the holes for the deck be for i do any glueing u and mobbsie are a big help to me thanks so much guys
  12. ok now i have one side done with the ribs now glued in place all is going well . all the ribs fit in place just fine so here some pic for ya of where iam at .
  13. so now the dry fit the ribs was good iam starting to glue then in to place here where iam now the ribs are nice and in place the right way here a pic
  14. ok now i see what u mean by rake . is there a tool to measur the rake that i need to get for that or can i make one . and i need to make a support for the masts as well so thay dont go side to side just like u said is that right . better i ask and make sur be for i go and glue stuff i dont want to get this worng. thanks again for your help
  15. ok popeye what do u mean by the rake not to sure what that is sorry .
  16. well look at u popeye u do love billing boats lol. u do some vary nice work as iam about to start mine .keep up the great work that u allways do .
  17. well here i start the build of the st roch by billing boats still waiting on some parts there for the upper deck so i can put on the deck that about as far as i can go till the parts come in and yes popeye i did go over all of the stuff again still came out the same as the frist time i check it . so here is the ribs in place thay are not glued yet just doing a dry fit frist to see if thay all will fit well so here a pic where iam now.
  18. welcome to my build log alde . i hope to make it to vancover in the summer time will see what happen there . i just to wait on bag of parts . i can start on the hull . some of the parts are warped i put them in to some water going to clamp them down for night check them tommorw.
  19. o well not good news i went thu the kit parts for a sec time and found thats billing did not put a bag of parts in the kit that are missing so i called up billing boats. there going to send the stuff i need i will not start building the kit till i have all the parts here . thats the way it goes some time
  20. vary nice work done to the planking keep up the great work
  21. welcome to my build log mobbsie its looks to be a vary nice build . but it will be a slow build as well just so u know i will post some soon and thank u for following my build have a great day.
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