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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. here is some work thats been done to it , its been slow going but its all good
  2. it looking great .keep up the great work. iam working on my billing boat st rouch.
  3. hello all this all i have done for now . popeye i put in a plank like the book said to u will see it in the pic iam going to post i will get this right some year lol
  4. yes popeye iknow what u mean iam going to sand them a little bit then plank the rest of them then sand the blocks again to match the planks
  5. ok here is the blocks in place i got to let them dry put i sand them this is what i was talking about popeye and in the book and on the plans it does not show it go fig right lol here some pic
  6. yes popeye there are blocks to put in i looked up a log on the st roch on a diff forum and saw that there is two blocks that go at the back of the hull this where i saw it http://buildingthestroch.blogspot.ca/search?updated-max=2011-10-07T12:26:00-07:00&max-results=500 thats where i saw it
  7. hello sid wow she looks great craftmenship is sec to none . great work there keep up the great work
  8. hello yvesvidal welcome to my build log . and yes there are blocks that go on there i will be doing that tonight be for i do more planking. hello popeye i will do that popeye after i put the blocks in place and sand it i will put a plank in the mid of the ribs just as a test fit to see what i nned to do for taper
  9. tys popeye do u think i should taper them now or do some more full planks this is where iam at now
  10. hello popeye yes its is mahogany the wood that came with the kit is not good at all i tryed to use it so i put in water for 45mins and still snaped on me . so tryed the mahogany and it was fine did snap at all so that what iam going to use so in the pic u will iam starting to plank and yes the sec plank was beveled to fit snug to the frist one so here some pic
  11. tys popeye and i do know i went out today got this tool to help me bend the planks money spent well lol
  12. in the pic i got one plank on its just a test fit let me know if its wrong ples and thank u
  13. tys popeye so in this pic u will i got the front bulwarks glued in place now so far so good . now i just to know how to tapered the planks the right way . so this will be fun .
  14. u are doing a vary good job on the boat just take all the time u need no need to rush it keep up the great work
  15. ok here in this pic i have glued the two rear bulwarks . its was not that hard to do all i did was soak in water for 45 mins then i clamped then in place till thay was dry after that i glued them in place as u see in the pic. iam doing a lot better now then i was befor .here the pic of where iam at now
  16. i have to say u are doing great work thats a ton of work to make in to 1812 keep up the great work that u are doing i cant wait to seen it all done
  17. ok for now i have put a plank for the front soaked it fro 30 min then put it on bend np at all did not break. so all is going well here a pic of how it going
  18. hello popeye yes the bulkheads are good all the way down to the keel.but the wood that came with the kit dont look good to me so i might use what u see in that pic
  19. hello all so what i have done is sanded the bulkheads to angel right for the planking u will in the pic i got it just took my time on this part. as it must done the right way so here some pic for u all
  20. ok now what iam doing getting the bulkheads right for the plank so that thay fit just right this going to be a bit slow but it will come out looking better if i take my time on this part
  21. tys popeye did not know what all the names are dont why thay want me to plank them when there apart did not make sene to me so mobbise just told me to glue them i send him a pm on that part so he thot it would be better to just glue . so that it where iam at now
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