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  1. Just ordered the Super Gold Thin Odorless, should arrive tomorrow. Thanks for the tip!
  2. Four years later and I'm back at it. Had some dust to clear off, but it's starting to progress again. I'm pretty sure that ratlines are in my near future. I think I'm going to embrace working slowly. I was always eager to see progress so I'd go as quickly as I could through the build. I seem to get some lung irritation from CA glue, so using wood glue will help me take it slowly.
  3. I had been visiting my mother in Ellsworth and was headed to Massachusetts to visit the in-laws and happened past this place. Didn't stop in as I'm the only one interested in model boats (5 of us were in the car), but I had my wife snap the pic as we drove by.
  4. I really like brushing the glue on after it's put together. None of the panic and stress of trying to quickly fit everything with glue on it. Just casually fit it together and brush on glue. Much more relaxing.
  5. My wallet is already quivering with anticipation. I can hardly wait for the Sphinx to come out, it's going to be one hell of a beautiful kit.
  6. If you are going to brush on glue now I suggest not putting glue in the places where parts 21, 22, 23 and 24 go. It makes it more difficult to fit them if there is glue in the way.
  7. Looks like they have an "F" on the BBB site. https://www.bbb.org/us/pa/mayfield/profile/wholesale-hobby-supplies/internet-hobbies-0241-235973355
  8. I don't think they have them yet. We ordered right from Chris. https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/
  9. I'm on a tight budget so he cut mine from fallen fence boards from around his neighborhood.
  10. Got my email today and it does say it will be delivered today. I'm guessing it will actually be here on Thursday, which is pretty fast shipping.
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