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Everything posted by markjay

  1. Frank terrific job and progress since the last meeting...really like the clamp solution and your vision of the Dunbrody build is incredable.
  2. Hi, just found your build log I like all of your posts and especially the images. Will follow along for the rest of your build.
  3. Looking good Frank, the discussion at the club meeting proved worth while.
  4. Great! Thanks for posting and the download works easily on Windows 8.
  5. What a great build and log, very tempting project...but unfortunately no room for something that size.
  6. Ordered one, should be here next week from Indiana distributor. Now faced with the problem of picking a project...
  7. Art supply store should have Charttex tape or something similar for graphics (pre PC presentation stuff) or try an auto body shop for body detailing. BTY how are your cello studies coming along? Love that sound...
  8. Welcome to the site...the sail instructions are about the best I've seen...real nice build.
  9. Looks like your going to be busy for a while...hope to see you at the meeting, I'm still tentative.
  10. Thanks guys for the compliments... Frank, thanks for the date, I've penciled it in. I'll need directions if the meeting is at your place.
  11. Very funny...just a hard time controlling my schedule this time of year...should let up sometime in July...your gun boat coming along nicely.
  12. Thanks guys, you have given me the answers that I needed. Jud your answer was really good.
  13. Can someone fill me in on this. I was reading that brushing a little ammoniated water on wood and placing it between glass and weighting it down. May take or help take warp out of sheet wood. I'm sure we have all run into this problem at one time or another with material for keels, etc. Any help would be very much appreciated.
  14. Thanks Dave, I believe you have to be a bit nuts to do plating.
  15. Just found this build, what an enjoyable build and wonderful to see in the water. Good Job!!!
  16. Frank, it's looking real good. Hope I can get away for the next meeting. When and where?
  17. I use single edge razor blades as well. Works well on decking as well as the planking. With planking, I start at the stern or bow and scrape the full length, then drop to the next planks (like painting siding on a house). Finish with very sand paper or 0000 steel wool.
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