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Everything posted by Script

  1. Hi Wayne, Glad to see you are back at it! Then again, it's about the season where you'll have plenty of time work on it. Being on the edge of civilization, the weather may keep you bottled up for quite a while.... Or perhaps you hibernate? :D Jim
  2. Aitch, Not really. I was intending to just say that it does not necessarily take ratlines to make a good vessel. The Admiralty models you see being built here are a testament to that. Then there are all the ship types and eras that did not use ratlines that deserve some mention. The Arizona would have looked kind of silly with ratlines as would the Hunley or the carrier Enterprise...... Cheers, Jim
  3. Hi Sjors, Yes, I'm back from my travels..... Now all I have to do is clear out all the stuff that was stored in my work room so I can find a flat surface to start another project! That is not going to be easy so in the meantime I'll just enjoy everyone elses' builds. Jim
  4. Adriaan, Great work! I know there were times when you struggled (not necessarily with the build) but it all has come together and you have a steamboat to be proud of! Congratulations! Jim
  5. Frankie, I think they stopped using ratlines so the rats were easier to catch if anyone wanted a snack...........
  6. Museum pics look as good here as on the other log, Sjors..... :D
  7. Jared, Good progress.... I see the assembly notes right on the deck......my Bob had none of that but the 20 pages that were translated from Italian weren't very helpful either... :D :D :D Jim
  8. Darn..... I left the sander with the table .....perhaps I'll just wait to get back before I brush again......thanks!
  9. (Asheville, NC .......heading north :mellow: .......left the Dremel table in Florida .....hope it's there when I return ..........) Confed is looking great Augie.....I suppose you intend to use a Dremel Table for the permanent base......? Jim
  10. Jared, Great progress! I am amazed at the difference in the model from my Amati version. The scale difference may have had a bit of impact but it appears that your 'Bob' will be significantly more detailed than mine. In lieu of a boiler there were eight boiler 'doors' on an empty wall. By the way, where did you get the dinner plate that looks like a penny??? :P :P Going to be interesting to observe. Cheers, Jim
  11. Andy, Safe voyaging....looking forward to the pics! Popeye, Is there a special recipe for 'dodging' fruitcake? Don't think I've ever heard of it......does it have some special ingredients? Jim
  12. Sjors, Very nicely done on the rat ladders...... Did I notice a box with some printing...I think it was HMS AGAM....in the first pic? Not sure of the connection........ :D :D :D Cheers, Jim
  13. Jared, Looking good! Thanks for the quarterly update..... :D :D :D :D :D Just kidding, life can interfere now and then....... Cheers, Jim
  14. Wayne,............"cornucopia".........really?....... :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
  15. Perhaps things have gone a bit off track......... Nowhere did I ever mention not installing ratlines. The point I was attempting to make, (and I failed....... ) is that there is no merit badge,award or any other thing that makes one type of wood crafting better than another. There had seemed to be some implication that if your project was absent ratlines it was easier to build or not quite as 'special'. Sorry I was so unable to communicate......I'll try harder next new topic Cheers, Jim
  16. Kester, Evidently my saying I would install ratlines if that was part of my chosen project did not register..... Cheers, Jim
  17. Note.......I did not mean to imply that one should not add rat lines if they are part of the vessel. They are an integral part of a full rigged ship. We're I to build a ship requiring rat lines, I would install them.....hope that clears up my position....
  18. Chris, I completely agree....... Jim
  19. I will beg pardon for my comments before I even start. Sorry.... Seems like there is some thinking that if a vessel does not have rat lines it is not as difficult to build or is substandard. I would like to disagree..... My list of completed builds does not include any with rat lines.... Why.....because my most ardent supporter...my wife, Claire, does not like ships "with all those strings and sticks" Years ago I built the Golden Hind and the Constitution cutaway (Both had ratlines installed). They were relegated to the basement and then given away....no place for them. My four most recent builds, and the America, another old one....do not have rat lines and are going to be displayed in our family room. They are not all ships so there is a nice variety of construction techniques involved. (She has hinted that she doesn't anticipate a place for the Sopwith Camel I'm about to start.....oh, we'll. I enjoy wood working more than knot tying but have a great admiration for those who build rigged tall ships. It takes a lot of patience and determination to create the fine looking fully rigged vessel. Some day I may do one again but in the meantime, I'll be building things that we both like and she, usually, chooses. Again, no intent to offend or desire to be reported.....just want to make a statement for any other non knot tiers out there.... Cheers Jim
  20. Wayne, I'm impressed..........copious notes......I can only take mine in English.......do you have a translator program or are you fluent in copious?(Like Sjors)... :P :P Jim
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