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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Another set of eight frames has been completed up to 2-fore, you can see how light the new pear framing is in color compared to the recovered old framing, the floor fillers for this section of framing has only been glued to the fore side of each frame so as to be able to "float" as per druxeys advice. I am currently sanding and fairing it to match the after side framing. Ben
  2. Hi Gary, I scanned the entire Mylar and used autocad to trace the parts accurately and printed them on separate PDFs on normal printer paper Ben
  3. Just a heads up that the Byrnes website is showing some new upgrades available for our JimSaws, Adjustable miter gauge extension Some new blades are now offered A spares kit of all the screws and miter pins Ben
  4. "Ben's shrinkage is of great concern to me" Let's not get personal guys, LMAO
  5. Mike, I'm going to follow Druxeys advice and only glue one side of the floor filler, that way if movement does occur it may make a gap but shouldn't cause the twisting that destroyed my original build. Ben
  6. Very glad to hear you will be making new progress and showing us your results. Ben
  7. I decided to double check my DOF drawing against the Mylar plan for the next set of frames, everything lines up well except the aftmost timberhead and the top of the rail line is slightly higher on the Mylar. Im also cross checking on the actual NMM Pegasus side draft. Ben
  8. Hey Greg, Yeh, the more I think about druxeys idea the more I like it, if only one side of the filler is glued then it allows for some movement, and if a gap appears it could be filled with a very thin sliver of wood maybe. I'm still going to leave a full frame gap every 8 frames as well just in case. Ben
  9. Thanks David, Everything that could be saved from the old hull is on now, everything to fill the gap has to be made new going forward. I really don't want to take the chance of using parts of the framing that were subjected to the warping that I encountered. Ben
  10. So here is the last remaining saved section from the old hull installed along with a frame fore and aft which have no floor fillers. Ben
  11. That's another idea David, I guess there are a few ways to skin this cat, I'm just gonna try this way and hope to hell it works as I cannot see myself recovering if it goes bad on me again! Ben
  12. So a small piece of rising wood has been added before the aft section for frame 10 fore to be mounted to, then the next surviving section of 8 frames will be installed. Now I'm thinking of leaving the floor fillers around 10 fore out, this will give room for the wood to move and hopefully help avoid the issues I had on the original build. I shall repeat this every 8 frames so it will look consistent and it works out to be the correct amount for the amount frames left to complete the framing. Ben
  13. Thanks Albert and AP, I will reveal how I'm going to continue this build tomorrow after all the saved sections from the old ship are installed. Ben
  14. Old forward section has been installed and reinforced with copper wire and epoxy the same as the aft section. Ben
  15. Thanks for all the likes. Old stern section has been installed, and reinforced with 18ga copper wire epoxied through into the keel. Next up will be installing the old stem section in the same fashion. Ben
  16. So before attaching the original stern section onto the new keel I made and installed the filler pieces under the transoms, three on each side had to be made. This was completed and checked for symmetry on both sides, tricky little pieces. Ben
  17. Thanks Mark, The reason for no sawdust in view is that I now have proper dust collection systems, a dust devil and big shop vac to connect to the tools and a big Jet ceiling mounted air filter for the fine stuff, there has been some dust produced - trust me! Ben
  18. Thanks David. So the new framing squares and overhead gantry are completed. Next job will be to do some work on the old stern section before mounting it to the new keel. Ben
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