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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Thanks for all the likes and comments. I decided to start work on the exterior planking above the wales, the wales themselves were masked off as you can see to try and protect them somewhat. Im going to try and follow my planking plan as close as the hull allows. First 3 strakes completed and beginning on the fourth, and it’s quite close to plan so far. ben
  2. Completed installation of all the Thwarts, knees, windlass, mast iron work, and the sheeve. Time to start work on the Rudder, some thole pins, belaying pins. ben
  3. Hey Rusty, Yep - it sure is. I like working on it alongside Pegasus to keep me a little sane, and Chucks kits are always a blast and turn into great looking models if you take a little time on them - Yours just goes to show what level of excellence can be achieved. ben
  4. Hi Everyone, thanks for the comments and the likes. Here is the fore platform and the risers installed and “nailed”. Their positions were checked against the plans several times to make sure they were at the correct height and fore/aft position was good. Now onto the cockpit seats. ben
  5. Thanks for all the likes. Greg - no lower planking or ribands. Kenny - don’t follow me to closely as I might lead you down the wrong path 😳
  6. Hey Mark, yeh - multi year builds are tough - that’s why I do some of ChuckP’s “kits” in between ( they are plenty interesting on their own I will tell you ) it takes some pressure off and makes me want to work better on Pegasus - that’s the key point for me these days - follow Remchoes mantra! Ben
  7. Hi Pat, yeh - it’s kinda nice to see some coloring on her, I machined some boxwood today that I will use for upper planking, that creamy yellow really looks nice IMO next to that deep red/pink of the Swiss pear and the deep black of the dyed wales. as always - we shall see what next week brings - probably two steps forward and one back as usual. ben
  8. I decided to do a little work on the exterior, so the new Knee of the Head was made and installed, then final fairing and sanding to 220/400 was completed below the Wales and 1st coat of finish applied ( 50% danish oil / 50% mineral spirits ), the wales took some damage during sanding and will have to be re-dyed later on. Im quite happy with the color that the Swiss pear has taken on with this type of finish. Next up - remove the knight heads and fair the top timber line, then proberbly start the stern framing. ben
  9. Hi Kenny, I’m not much of a one for giving other people advice, just take your time and try not to accept something that you know is not right. Getting the spacing and symmetry correct can be tough if you want a really good result - I can’t count how many times I remade things on the lower platforms and lower deck - but I’m now happy with my results. One thing I’m doing differently from now on is using Black fishing line instead of copper wire and LOS to simulate bolts, much easier and looks better and more consistent to me. ben
  10. Thanks Everyone Mast partners completed, I was thinking about adding hatch gratings but have decided not to to allow what can be seen of below as much as possible. now to decide on what to work on next. ben
  11. Thanks Everyone for the likes and comments. Mast Partner layouts glued onto some boxwood blanks to start making them.
  12. Lower deck framing completed, have to make both main and mizzenmast partners to finish off.
  13. Quite a bit of work was completed in the last week before I start traveling for work again. Friezes added, trim piece scraped with simple profile and installed below the frieze, caprails painted, and all planking had the “copper” nails added. When I get back I will start on the floors. ben
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