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About shipshaper

  • Birthday 02/16/1951

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Alamogordo, NM
  • Interests
    wood working, model ship building

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  1. Awesome work Cisco, you should be VERY proud! Didn't like the snow in Wisconsin so we moved to New Mexico. We'll get snow here as well but it's gone by 10 am! You are doing a wonderful job on your building log, I wish I had the talent to do one myself. Keep up the good work and God bless.
  2. Hi Druxey, Sorry if I miss lead you. I did not mean to use dope but to show if can be brushed or sprayed after shrinking. I still think wetting with a spray bottle and not dipping would be a better way to go, less handling. You are correct that when wet it is VERY delicate. I also agree with Allen that using a diluted acrylic is an excellent choice for painting.
  3. Hi Maury, Many years ago I was in a model airplane club and used silkspan all the time for covering the wings. The process we used was similar but slightly different. We would put it on the wing assembly dry and used a product called DOPE (a paint used for model aircraft, it came in various colors put for this process we used clear). We would paint the edges of the wing frame and then stretched the silkspan around the best we could until dried (you are using tape for this process). Then after dried we would spray it with water from a cheap squirt bottle until good and damp (you are dipping it in water which may be too much) and then let to dry, sometimes using a hair drier to speed the process. then we would paint it (using DOPE) either with a bush or spraying and never had issues with it tearing as you have experienced. Next time you try this I would suggest not dipping it in water but using the "squirt bottle" and see if it helps to keep the integrity of the silkspan better. Impressive work! looking forward to seeing more...................Mike
  4. Congratulation Dave, GREAT job!!! Almost made it to Manitowoc from New Mexico this year, hopefully I'll be there next May. Mike
  5. Hi Mike, Coming aboard. Nice work! Looking forward to your progress.
  6. Not that far from us, we are still neighbors on MSW!
  7. Hi Allen, glad you found this site as well. excellent information, tips and insight from fellow modelers around the world who REALLY know their stuff. I am excited to follow you! Mike
  8. Welcome and enjoy your build! Look forward to hearing how it is coming along😀!
  9. Hi Jeff, Allen and Dave are spot on. I am on my 5th model over the course of 35+ years and I'm still adding to my tool arsenal (and learning!). But when I first started I only had what I used when I was building R/C aircraft and made it through the process. MSW is an excellent source of information, use it and enjoy it. I will never be as good as a lot of our members but they sure help me in wanting to improve my work. Welcome aboard and have fun with this VERY rewarding hobby! Mike
  10. Hi Allen, Happy New Year everyone! I am just finishing the rigging on a very old "Aristo-Craft" 1815 Baltimore clipper 1:75 scale. I had decided to also rig the cannons even though the kit did not call for it. I must say it has been, let's say challenging! As I retired last Feb. I thought I could rip through the rigging and complete the kit in short order. As it turned out there is so much going on with all the static and running lines I can only work on it for a couple hours at a time and my eyes give out. I for one (at least for a clipper style) will look for larger scale ships in the future. Good luck and have fun on your new project.
  11. I'm getting ready to leave for NM and will miss not being able to see the Battle Station. We are not that far apart, maybe I can view it at a later date. I would wish you best of luck at the show but you don't need it 😉! Take care
  12. Doc, Just ran across this and it is AWESOME! The only thing better is seeing your work in person, up close and personal. Will you be bringing this to Manitowoc this weekend? I would love to attend but will be at my Grand Daughter's high school graduation in New Mexico. Thanks for sharing, your work is beautiful!
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