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  1. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to BETAQDAVE in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    Your craftsmanship in both the wood and metal fabrication is just fantastic!!  Unfortunately the workmanship you employ is well beyond most of us, but just gazing at the results is something to behold!!
  2. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to lmagna in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Hello Denis
    I have been lurking about several of your builds, in fact one of them has gotten me in some trouble! I was reading your Titanic build and the Admiral saw it and made it clear that instead of building all the "Junkie looking" models that I like, that if I REALLY loved her I would build HER a large lit version of the Titanic of her own to be placed on her personal TV as a night light when she watches TV at night. Adding sound so that it plays the music from the movie would have to be considered as well of course!
    So now I have accrued a 1/350th Titanic, (eBay) and means for lighting, and have identified the photo etch stuff that will be required. I have not lit a ship to this degree before and I have never worked with photo etch stuff at all, even though I have scratch built brass stuff for small plastic ships in years past. Now I will have to do it, just because of you!  
    I also have this kit, (Jolly Roger) in my horde and at first when I thought of getting started in building ships again after A LOT of years of not building I was going to build it as either the La Flore, or the Hermione. I built it as a much younger person some 35 or possibly 40 years ago and at that time I though it was a great kit and made into a very nice model, (But you know the memory can be misleading when you get to my age) that was why I have two of them on the shelf!
    So you need to quit doing this kind of stuff! I am already trying to get a Brigantine done to give to a friend for his birthday, get time to start and build the Admiral's Titanic, and I want to build a MS Sultana, (Also already on the shelf from years ago) for one of my sons who has expressed an interest in that kind of ship model. I only have so many years left at my age and I need to get some of these done before they become eBay inheritances for my surviving kids to sell!
    All aside though I do enjoy looking at your builds and am interested in seeing how this one turns out.
  3. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Thanks, Eddie!   I am having fun with it, as a nice break from ships for a small while. I am now working on the bottom wing ribs, so that will take a long time... you all might not see anything from me for the rest of the month, as there will be nothing much to report. In the meantime, I'll also be looking at some Sopwith history, and maybe reworking some of the engine parts to look better.
  4. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    thanks to all, for your attention. 

    After finishing the tops, I continue with the royal masts.
    The French Corvette had a weathervane on every royal mast.
    Here are some pictures:

    Whether this corvette also had lightning conductors is in this context
    quite a legitimate question.

  5. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Hi Rob,
    thanks very much for your kind words and your compliment, much appreciated,...
    Also many thanks to the "likes" for clicking on....
    As I have answered to Dan already, you and all who are following this log are very wellcome, and I`m so pleased the model is liked so much...
    I`ve been asked already many times where she will be displayed and can nominate a preliminary place on a shelf of my hobby room in our cellar, below the "Heinrich Kayser" steamship where the presently standing river tug "Lorbas" will be removed to somewhere else. I think the KWdG will deserve a more exponated display area in the house later on, but in the moment I unfortunately ca`nt serve with the ignitial idea where...
    To answer your question, where the other models are displayed, ....... they are all on display within their glass cases in my hobby room

    The "HMS Pegasus" stand plate bares two identical nameplates so the glass case can alternatively be turned 180° to also display the closed side of the hull. As the sails are braced about 45 ° one would be looking at more dominating sail area from the other side as well, whilst the here shown side gives more view to the entire rigging

    Here I also have my work desk for the lesser sawdust producing work. The models are all illuminated by spots from the ceiling

    the shelves are self made, and have to be well fixed to the wall with rigid supports in order to take the weight of the glass casings

    in the upper left of the pic  a door to the small bathroom in the background can be seen. My hobby room was originally planed and used as a guest room
  6. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    all  24 boats mounted and with attatched falls. The collapsible boats (3 story) are a bit higher above deck, so those davits had to be made new

    The first and the second boat get spacer lugs for mounting the boat on top

    The supports for the oars, the seatings and the floor planks are mounted already (only for upper boat)

    in total there are 4 boat types ( four large, open ones, two smaller open ones, twelve large closed ones, and six collapsible ones)



  7. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    I was looking at images of the Capt Kidd kit online,  the day I made that earlier post concerning the three kits.  I think it's the same scale,  but it is a lot more involved than the jolly Rogers.....probably more parts to the kit as well.   I wanted to pick it up too,  the day I went.   the lower shrouds posed a problem for a little while.......thinking over just what to do about them.  the lack of instruction is bothersome.......since it doesn't direct what is to go below the channels.  I will have to scratch a solution for this,  I'm sure......most likely with wire     I did figure out how to thread the shrouds through the channels....half the battle.   the channels have slots in them........why,  I'm not certain....but I drilled holes at the innermost depth of the slots,  and now I'm able to insert the tabs of the shrouds in them.

    this does pose a small problem for the gun port lids......they might get in the way.   I wanted to add them before I did the masts,  but now I'm thinking I should wait,  so I can better situate the chains under the channels.   should have more soon on this.
    I'm just as bad EJ.........I'm supposed to go back.......I need thinner and a few paints.   I always wish I could come back with something to add to my trove  
  8. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Omega1234 in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Hi Denis
    Nice done, building so many at one time would never let me be so accurate!!
  9. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Working on the inner wing framing today. Placed the leading edge on the plans and worked on a joinery issue: the leading edge is in two pieces (as were the main and secondary spars). Got the leading edge joined and glued, and now testing the fit against the front of the ribs. A little sanding here and there will be needed to get the leading edge of the ribs flat, then it is glue time. Aileron spars done. Dry fitting the wing tips as well. They'll need a little bending. 

  10. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    Thanks for joining the build, John and Grant. 
    Good point about scale. I'll post a couple of images here for you to give an idea of the size-of-things. The little charcoal cube is 1cm. 
    The model is  3/4" = 1'  (1:16) scale of the F.1 Sopwith Camel. The wingspan will be 534mm (21") and the longitudinal length (prop to empennage) 584mm (about 14"). 
    Construction materials: basswood, brass, Britannia metal, steel, rubber tubing, copper tape and tubing, thread. 

  11. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    .... and where I am today: working on the upper wing. There are a LOT of laser cut wing ribs that need sanding and such. It is a messy bit of work with the char going all over the place. I have finished adding the rib caps to each rib, and am now working on getting them aligned into their spars.  That's it! More as this progresses.

  12. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to jablackwell in Sopwith F.1 Camel Build Log   
    The prop is made from a laminate of laser-cut pieces, then sanded to shape.

  13. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to vossiewulf in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Oh yeah the consensus at the time was the French-built engines were better so it wasn't uncommon to replace a UR.II with a Le Rhone on Dr.Is. Josef Jacobs is the only one I'm aware of that mounted a Clerget on a Dr.I. The problem wasn't just the quality of the engine build however, it was the oil, the Germans ran short of castor oil and tried all sorts of ersatz products with little success, and the engines suffered as a result.
    Actually if there was a severe failure by the German air industry, it was in engine development, they fell behind in 1916 and were falling farther behind at the end of the war with the allies fielding multiple fighter aircraft with 220+hp engines, with the Dolphin having a 300hp engine, while the "fast" version of Germany's top front-line fighter, the D.VII was flying with a 180hp BMW IIIa and the Albatros D.Vas were mostly still flying with the Mercedes D.III(a or au) most still developing 165hp but the aus could push it up to 185hp.
    Actually the Albatros D.V is a very good example, because meanwhile the Austrians had turned the earlier Albatros D.III they licensed into a MUCH better fighter than either the D.III or D.V versions the Germans flew, except for the absurd Schwarsloze MGs. Oeffag, the Austrian manufacturer, immediately realized the problem with the single spar lower wing leading to resonance and the resultant loss of the lower wing. After a bunch of German pilots were killed Albatros slapped a short strut from the wing V-strut to the lower wing leading edge which helped, but the German Albatrosen were never good divers, you could only push that lower wing so far. The Oeffag engineers instead redsigned the lower wing with two spars, redesigned the lower part of the v-struts and their mounting, and the OEF aircraft never had that resonance and could be dived much harder.
    The lowest hp engines the Austrians used was the 185hp Daimler-Benz, the other two Albatros series they built had the 200hp and 225hp Daimler-Benz engines. Then they realized the plane was faster without its spinner, something that wasn't too hard to verify since the one thing OEF engineers couldn't do was keep their spinners from falling off the plane in flight. So they redesigned the forward fuselage into a simple rounded shape, and got another 9mph increase. I've often wondered how the Western Front might have played out different had Albatros dumped their D.V and built the OEF D.IIIs instead.
    Series 253 OEF Albatros D.III with redesigned forward fuselage and 225hp Daimler Benz, probably 30mph faster than the Albatros D.Va.

  14. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Maybe interesting for the research about the Oberursel/ Le Rhone engines
  15. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Canute in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Maybe interesting for the research about the Oberursel/ Le Rhone engines
  16. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   



    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
  17. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Mirabell61 in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    And again....................................
  18. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to thibaultron in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    One source I found, said that the Germans would reuse Le Rhones in the DR.1, if they captured any. Similar to your post.
  19. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Chuck in Queen Anne Style Royal Barge by Chuck - FINISHED - Syren Ship Model Company - 1:24   
    I just returned from a weekend in Annapolis at the Naval Academy.   About 20 of our NJ club members went down and it was a wonderful time.  Several of us brought our wives and girlfriends.  We enjoyed lunch and dinner and a nice tour of the academy including its workshop where several models are being restored.  Its always a pleasure to see my friends at Preble hall and they were spectacular hosts.  I went down with one important goal besides enjoying the great company.  I knew of a barge model that I wanted to photograph in detail from the same period as my Syren project.  I am about to get back into the shop to work on my prototype.
    Here are some photos of that contemporary model.   Note that it is NOT Clinker planked and it is completely planked.   There are many other details of interest  which will be pointed out as I continue my project. Here are some of the folks from our motley group ship modelers.  A bunch of the other guys are missing from this photo, including my wife who was walking around the academy (probably shopping in town)  at the time and in the museum.   We are so fortunate to be such close friends and try to do this type of thing as often as possible.  Where are we going next guys?!!!!  You know many of these guys too.  They are active MSW members.

    and some of the photos of the barge below....I have many more (thanks Mike)  and will post them in an album and in the kit instructions.  This model is circa 1705...Just beautiful!!!




  20. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Vivian Galad in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    And time for an update so you don´t think I´ve vanished again.
    First of all, sorry for the low quality pics - I´ll have a new cam next month and be posting better ones.
    As I said, I got a plan on changing the stern and, instead of making a new one (which would be a lot better), cut pieces from plywood and got rid from that steep curve - As it is now, well, not good looking I would say, but, I´ll cover it with a sheet cut and designed as a real stern should look - that said, my keel will be from the same wood, so, I´ll be changing the kit´s wood destined for it.

    I´ve been planking decks. After I finished them I realized I could´ve done it other way, close to what it should be - following beams and such, but, then again the ship have no beams and I would have to create them - and I´ll try at least to reproduce something like them. Of course pictures won´t show, but pin holes were made - caulking coming soon.

    So, I´ll show some cargo hold - don´t know if beams would be visible but decided to try some over the cargo hold - Not quite sure how I´ll make them - but I´m into reading so many things about and seeing so many pictures that I´ll figure it out soon enough. Still don´t know if I should plank the hull inside at the visible parts, so, I´m reproducing some more frames.


    I´m using plywood, but will cover if needed.
    It´s a small update, hope to be showing more soon.
  21. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to cog in Cocca Veneta by Vivian Galad - Corel - 1:70 - modified   
    Spoil sport! I love the sound of Brasilian Portuguese. Incidentally, I had a Brasilian girlfriend, way back when I was younger, and you do tend to learn the language faster if you are blessed thus.
    Desculpe-me, Vivian. Back to your build, much more interesting!!
  22. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Hi Nils
    The DX Fix is a bit to strong for that small boats, in my mind! I would try it with the method from Nenad/Greg, think this would be much better than the foil. Or instead of that really thin shirt fabric (Hemdenstoff), strenghtened with thinned glue.
  23. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in 10th-11th century Byzantine dromon by Louie da fly - FINISHED - 1:50   
    Hi Steven
    Just watched your build without a word. Really fine art you are showing us, she turns out nice! I like that shape.
  24. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Piet in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Hi Denis
    Nice done, building so many at one time would never let me be so accurate!!
  25. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Engine stands are set in, but not glued at the time. Before glueing all the parts I must make some smaller changes to the engine timbers, not too much, but a bit of milling or grinding will be needed to fit the brass parts to the timbers. Just waiting for the photos from johnhowards associate to build all the parts in scale, or as close as possible. Then a bit of turning/milling/soldering/cutting...... will take place!


    Regards, and thank you all for watching
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