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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Looks great. The shape of the ship is already starting to become visible.
  2. Looks great. Once finshed it will be a beautiful diorama.
  3. On this site http://www.modelships.de/ I found this link http://www.finemodelships.com/sale_transport.htm Maybe they can help you. Although, Packing it yourself and transporting it to your father by car is perhaps faster and cheaper.
  4. I looked at your building log again (twice ). Wonderful what you do with these PE parts. Great model.
  5. Thanks Lawrence, My way of building and finishing one does not see much indeed. No one knows what this ship has ever looked like. So there is a fair amount of freedom in the painting of this ship
  6. Free info Michael. Whatever you decide to make it is your model and your choice. That's how I once made my lantern
  7. Jorgen, This is how i stained my Golden Hind My Vasa was painted with semi gloss, old oak varnish See the link below
  8. Steven, Thanks for the positive comment and the info A pelican in this way is indeed more imposing and shows more aggressive. But, My drawing skills are insufficient to draw this. I think it will stay with an ordinary pelican.
  9. Thanks Michael, http://how2drawanimals.com/8-animals/19-draw-pelican.html How to draw a pelican, or another animal. Great site. Explained step by step
  10. Wecome to MSW Well done with your first model
  11. And greetings from Belgium
  12. Small update, Today I continued with painting. All the green arrows are done. I also made an attempt to draw a pelican on the stern. He looks pretty good but he is not ready yet. Thanks for following
  13. Jan, Dutch and Flamish can sometimes be complicated languages Drazen, “PROVINCIEN” Is an excellent choice.
  14. Jan, Maybe provinctye is spelled correctly in "old dutch or old Flamish" (same language but hundreds of different dialects). What follows now is an explanation in Dutch that is impossible to translate to English for me (sorry). And this is an opinion that is open for discussion. Provinctye spreekt uit als Provinstie (Provinctye speaks out as provinstie) Wij zeggen nu ook : vakantie = vakantsie politie = politsie Misschien door die oude spelling voegen we nu de letter "s" toe als we deze woorden uitspreken. De C en de S, de Y en de i : hebben in sommige woorden dezelfde klank om uit te spreken. So "Provinctye" can be spelled correctly. Drazen, beautiful work !! Ps my answer is a bit too late
  15. Thanks GL Tamiya matt white ( XF2 ) thinned with isopropylalcohol is used.
  16. Michael, As always : Beautiful !!
  17. And greetings from Belgium
  18. Welcome midelburgo, There is very little known about this ship. Newly built in England or rebuilt in England or anywhere else. If you ever built this ship , There were then certain rules then to build a ship. But there is a fair amount of margin in shape, colors and other things. No one can say that you are wrong, But you can never prove that you are building it correctly (my opinion) Painting the upper part of the hull. Of course no one knows how this ship was painted. And it is quite possible that it has been repainted during the 3-year journey. So I go for shapes and colors that were common at the time. Shapes?? Choice enough : arrows, triangles, lines, diamonds, round shapes Colors ?? Apparently "all colors of the rainbow" (belgian saying) were used and on some ships there are simply no colors I am going for white and green arrows Presumably there will be white and red later on the part on the poopdeck. First there is painted white First try. Reasonable, but not really good. so, remove and redo Second try. Masking tape is attached to the non-adhesive side of a sticker. The shapes of arrows are drawn and cut out. The pictures speak for themselves. I am satisfied with it. This method takes a lot of time but the result is quite ok. Now further painting on the for and after castle. As always, thanks for following
  19. Yes I have seen this already ( also the pictures,not the real ship ) And can you believe this : They even found a cog in "my backyard" . The village Doel is not far away from Verrebroek, Less than 10 km. Great news then. Great ideas and great plans for the future. But now, no money to make them come true. But There are plans to start in 2023 Hopefully they will ever do something with this ship, It is on my wish list as the next model to build. English https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/shipwrecks/0/steps/7971 Dutch search for : "kogge in Doel" or "kogge van Doel" https://www.hln.be/regio/beveren/doelse-kogge-pas-vanaf-2023-herbouwd~a140776c/
  20. Jorge, and greetings from Belgium
  21. Welcome to MSW Miroslav
  22. Welcome to MSW Neil, And greetings from a Belgian living in Belgium
  23. Great to see your model grow. A special way of building, looks like a big challenge Nice work Hakan
  24. Welcome back Michael Yep, there will be a little bit of weathering on the colors. But certainly not too much.
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