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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Thank you Geert and Lawrence for the compliments. Meanwhile, work continues. I hope to do an update soon.
  2. If it is a ship from the 16th century. Do not expect much from "the kitchen". I think that wood was then used as fuel
  3. Greetings from Belgium
  4. Started with the beakhead, I use old drawings as an example for the outside of the bow. For the inside (deck) a photo of the Batavia replica. On most ships of this periode are ther no ropes on the bowsprit (about 80% without and 10% with). These ropes are therefore not applied on the model. The fore mast is in front of the forecastle, as can be seen on most ships of this time, an underlay for deck planks has already been installed here. This drawing is one of the very few examples where the mast is in the fore castle (bad example !). A first test Construction and painting Thanks for following and likes, Build index on page one
  5. You have a great new workshop. Welcome back
  6. The balcony is finished (Finally) I had underestimated the time and work required for this work... I made a crown in plastic to place above the rose And did not like this. So, the crown was removed again. Supports for awnings are also provided. Suppo Thanks for following and likes, Build index on page one
  7. And greetings from Belgium
  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of wooden ship model building. You will have "ups and dows" while building your model. Always remember the "ups" and learn from the downs
  9. Thanks michael These rocks are indeed much better. Actually I am very curious about the further finishing of your decks. To get ideas for the finishing of the decks in my G.H. .
  10. Archie,
  11. What are the mistakes ?? I do not see anything. Maybe it's my eyes
  12. Welcome to MSW Amy. Greetings from Belgium
  13. On "surprise holiday" with friends in Holland. An operational mill in: Kinderdijk in Nederland VID_20180428_133831.mp4VID_20180428_133831.mp4 ( hope the link works) I have more pictures on monday
  14. (The Google search = the dark text) Rieten dak plaatsen (nice colors, new and old) https://www.google.de/search?q=rieten+dak+plaatsen&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiW4NuU7NTaAhWFq1MKHZBuCTcQsAQILQ&biw=1212&bih=508 Molen met rieten dak (mill) https://www.google.de/search?biw=1212&bih=508&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=5SbgWt_COYKvzwKO8I6ACw&q=molen+met+rieten+dak&oq=molen+met+rieten+dak&gs_l=psy-ab.12...9620.14897.0.16185. Molen met rieten bekleding https://www.google.de/search?biw=1212&bih=508&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=9ibgWtzPOZK0zwKlgLEI&q=molen+met+rieten+bekleding&oq=molen+met+rieten+bekleding&gs_l=psy-ab.12...99617.103376.0.105386.
  15. well done. And welcome to MSW
  16. Balcony, work in progress. One opening of the balcony is too narrow for 2 planks and and too wide for one plank. so why not do something special here and add a Tudor rose (Historically probably totally wrong, but a nice challenge to do ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tudor_rose So far so good, and now i am trying to make a crown for on top of the rose Thanks for following
  17. Tomorrow getting a six pack of beer and next week go to the neighbor across the street, with the 6 pack and ask if I can use his drill press. A good neighbor is better than a good friend who lives far away ( Drill the holes first, and then enjoy the 6 pack)
  18. Ps, Your English is better than mine
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