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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Great progress and beautiful work GL A very clever idea, this tool
  2. Thank you Mike, always welcome. And a smal update "Nails" are applied before painting, needles have been used for this. After being placed in the hull they are flattened with a file. I have not installed treenails here. Because the planks of the upper part of the hull are normally thinner and lighter than the planks of the lower hull. And now we can continue with painting Thanks for following
  3. well done, Dick. Beautiful model with a lot of detail.
  4. When I built my Vasa, I have attached a few pdfs of the Billings building plans These were then free and legally downloadable on the site of Billing Boats. Maybe you better start a construction log. Then you will find help and advice more quickly. Good luck with the restauration of your model.
  5. Thank you lawrence, Normally the shipyard is indeed closed in the winter. But I have hung a new lamp on the ceiling in my hobby room. So that in the winter months I have enough light to see enough for shipbuilding. This new lamp has become a good investment. If I have time available on the weekend, I continue to build on the Golden Hind. The treenailing has taken more time than planned, but afterwards I have no regrets that I have them fitted on the model. The painting of the upper hull is now started.
  6. Welcome to MSW. And succes with your first build
  7. To be honest, I would not expect too much from the value (sorry) This is probably a unique model, but it is not an exact copy of the Vasa Have you already read this post?
  8. Thanks for the positive comments. I almost have the result I wanted to achieve. So, i probably will not change it much anymore.
  9. Welcome to MSW Mozartman, Greetings from Belgium.
  10. Oscar, Welcome to MSW and good luck with the Charly.
  11. Your model is indeed a scratch build or semi scratch build model of the Vasa. Greetings from Belgium
  12. Thank you Steven and GL My loose hand, or freehand, is best before drinking a triple beer (or any other beer). Ps, I can not drink too much. For some reason I always have a hangover in the morning and 2 days headache later on...
  13. Thanks Steven The idea that I think of : a thin layer of white paint with a light wash of green over it. So that the wood structure and treenails remain somewhat visible Like this : Work in progress ( with one thin layer of white paint)
  14. Painting, I do not make a brand new ship fresh from the shipyard. But a ship that has been at sea for a while. The intention is to create a somewhat weathered appearance. The explanation of the color described in the book “Risse von shiffen des 16. Und 17 jahrhunderts” is very believable . So, for the color above the waterline, I looked for a reddish brown or chestnut brown color where a little pale yellow appearance comes through. Tamiya matte paint XF 64 red brown is been used. strongly diluted with iso propyl alcohol. 2 layers of XF 64 paint has been used above the waterline. Between the two layers is carefully sanded with a scothbrite. As well as after the last layer. For the time being there is one layer of diluted Tamiya matt white below the waterline. No masking tape was used to paint the water line. Why: in the 16th century there was no masking tape yet. So painting is done with “de losse hand (Flamish) “ or "a loose hand" (dont now correct word in English, sorry). Thanks for following and likes. Next step, painting the upper part of the hull. Index see post 1
  15. Next step;, mark where the waterline comes As previewed earlier, the depth is approximately half the width First i clamp the hull and level it. Middle deck and aft deck are ok The for deck is a little bit not ok I made a tool to draw the waterline. Where old lego can be used for. For a few moments I felt 50 years younger.... Apply masking tape. And we are ready for painting.
  16. It looks like your red frame is mounted too high Glue a strip of wood round the frame I once had a frame that was too low at the top
  17. EJ, Best carver or not the best carver. It looks very good to me. Well done
  18. Great start Hartmut, I'm happy to see another scratch build Golden Hind on this forum. The book "Risse von Schiffen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts" is indeed very helpful to build this ship. I will follow your build Michel looks like a friendly guard
  19. welcome, In the Netherlands they already have experience with this Google search : drijvende huizen nederland https://www.google.de/search?q=drijvende+huizen+nederland&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj13bzkq_DYAhVFSq0KHUpmCKQQsAQIOA&biw=1153&bih=483
  20. Hello, All the treenails have finally been done. There are about 4300 treenails in the hull. Earned I think I'm first going to put a color on a part of the hull now (red brown and white) thanks for following Index : see post 1
  21. And greetings from Belgium
  22. Well done ( the boat, and your building log) I'm looking forward to the further posts
  23. All treenails are done on one side of the model. I have tried to follow the structure of the futtocks and filling frames as much as possible Source the Gresham shipwreck Sanded and wiped off with a wet cloth (Still about 1000 treenails to do) I have also done a first test for a brown and whit color on the hull Greetings Index see post 1
  24. Amati has 22mm figures also I ordered 35 mm figures and some other parts at cornwallmodelboats last month and they have been already delivered to me. http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/amati_crew.html
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