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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Great idea. And explained step by step. thanks Michael
  2. If I have to saw or sand a lot. Then I work outside The disadvantage is that in winter the shipyard is usually "closed" I wear safety goggles, dust mask and ear protection
  3. A few days later, Details that are not good are sanded away and doors and hatches are made new.
  4. Since 1985 I have been building military models on scale 1/72 I'm going to start a small buildlog of the ADGZ M35(fu) Mittlerer Panzerwagen from manufacturer ACE. http://acemodel.com.ua/en/news http://acemodel.com.ua/en/model/332 (Foto from ace) Ace produces plastic scale models in so-called “short run” production. This means : they make a mold for a model and once the mold is worn out, then the model goes "out of production". They make interesting and rare models. Buy only suitable for builders with some experience. This buildlog is not a product review. But just to show you how I make my military models. Info about this armoured car : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADGZ http://www.achtungpanzer.com/polizei-panzerkampfwagen-adgz-m35-mittlere-panzerwagen.htm. As will be visible on the photos The construction will not always be smooth. And some pieces will not fit or will need to be replaced. Start Box building the hull and the tower now i let this dry for at least 24h.
  5. maybe this helps, If you search for "Mayflower" Then you will find interesting building logs of the mayflower. Not from the same manufacturer but they can perhaps give the solution to your question (see example)
  6. Have looked at all your paintings and enjoyed them a lot. Well done
  7. And greetings from Belgium.
  8. And greetings from Belgium
  9. And greetings from Belgium
  10. Greetings from Belgium.
  11. The treenails are done on the planks and wales (About 1850). The stern is next to do. Perhaps the hull will also be done under the waterline. Dont know yet. My method for adding treenails close to each other. Make treenails short, medium and long. Dril holes and add glue treenails are fixed with a small hammer (gotten in my childhood, and about 50 year old..) Add small treenails Add medium treenails Add the long treenails cut with pliers after sanding And, there is a new lamp on the ceiling in the hobby room. A much better lighting from now on. If there is time available, the shipyard is also open in the winter.
  12. Old billing kits come in 2 parts. Be sure to buy a complete kit. For a complete kit this Old billing kits come in 2 parts. Be sure to buy a complete kit. For a complete kit this looks a good price.
  13. Might have a drink or two before those bolts though... Well done and enjoy your drinks
  14. My first wooden ship was the Vasa of Billings. It took me 10 years to build. And actually, I almost gave up twice. You can build a ship like this for the first time. But not doing this is better. best try a smaller model first. as E.J. wrote Whichever path you choose, start a build log.
  15. And greetings from Belgium
  16. The Wasa from Michael. Always interesting
  17. I'll tree nail the deck with 0,5 mm walnut (the planks are 4 mm wide). right decision (in my opinion) Robin, Are you really sure about this grating??
  18. This is all I can find beautiful pictures : http://sudwall.superforum.fr/t1520-identification-d-un-canon http://www.fortiffsere.fr/artillerie/index_fichiers/Page2775.htm http://asmrb.pbworks.com/w/page/115688596/3 pdr QF Hotchkiss Gun here you maybe will find some dimensions http://atf40.forumculture.net/t2701-canons-de-47-ex-marine a 3D model https://nl.3dexport.com/3dmodel-47-mm-hotchkiss-naval-gun-124509.htm
  19. Looks to be a "Hotchkiss 47mm L/40 M1885" or a QF 3 pounder. Until now, I have not found a plan yet (maybe later) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QF_3-pounder_Hotchkiss
  20. And greetings from Belgium
  21. Beautiful update Michael. Nice job on the rigging and the repair.
  22. Nice work Robin. The untreated walnut is very realistic. And, after treatment with oil or varnish it becomes indeed a red / dark brown color. Most finds of remains of ships from this period have rectangular gun ports. Reason : The greater the height of the gun port, the higher the elevation angle that the cannon can have.
  23. Welcome back. And greetings from Belgium.
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