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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Finished. Not an exotic model. But something special, and bigger than I first thought. And probably designed by someone who had never driven an armored car. The poor driver only had a peephole on his front. What happened to his left and right he could never have seen... No more room left in the Italian WW2 corner Thanks for following, comments and likes
  2. thank you for explaining. It would be a mess in this small densely populated country if there were no rules. But our national "hobbies" are : avoid taxes as much as possible and to interpret the rules as broadly as possible . You can freely buy an air rifle, but you are not allowed to shoot it, even in your own garden But, If I shoot a pigeon in my garden with that thing, my neighbor won't mind. A pigeon less that dont sh..t on our roofs anymore he thinks then. And that pigeon, it goes into the soup, without feathers and intestines of course😋. ps, please don't tell anyone 🤣
  3. The swivels are placed on the model. It is easier to drill these holes before applying the rigging. But without installing the rigging first I don't know where there will be room left for the swivels. Test swivel 1 Swivel guns in place Thanks for following.
  4. Do you need a special permit to hunt where you live? Here, in Belgium, there is a rule for everything. i need a license for hunting. I am not allowed to process the killed animal myself. and for the outdoor kitchen I must of course also apply for a building permit. Rules,rules,rules 😳 in this small country.
  5. There are "ammo" 2 chests (speculative own design) one for the fore castle and one for the rear castle. Painting the swivels. First a mat black base with a wash with thinned metal color. then the swivels are "colored" with pencil and polished with a soft paper tisseu. result
  6. Painting I'm going for a 3-color Italian camouflage. For the interior, some converted russian PPSh 41 which now should look like Baretta's model 38 Painting and drybrushing ready
  7. Thanks. Continue with the Protetto The rear is only sparsely detailed. Better Front under construction. A 16th century 1/45 English swivel opposite to an Italian 1/72 Autoprotetto.. 😇
  8. Fortunately for me, there are people who do like to go to school. Thank you Mr. Corey Malcom for your study and the drawing of a swivel gun 👍. Continue building the swivels. The wedge should be connected to the swivel with a chain or rope. I'm going to give it a try. If it doesn't work, then it is without A 16th century 1/45 English swivel opposite to an Italian 1/72 Autoprotetto... Thanks for comments,likes and following
  9. When I painted my Pelican/Golden Hind I found these possibilities. The number behind the examples indicates which way was most common. No painting (the word "niets" behind the examples) was actually the most common way. But, that's not much use to us model builders, not?? 😉
  10. It's been a while since I built a military model. So, here we go. This time it is an Italian Autoprotetto S37 General info https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/italy/Fiat_SPA_Autoprotetto_S-37.php Box and contents http://acemodel.com.ua/en/model/411 Start There's a lot of flash to the parts. This model is from a short run production, the mold was probably in service for a while when my model was cast the parts for the superstructure after much cleaning, sanding and fitting Engine compartiment (same problem) The worst part is over 😉
  11. Building swivel guns Some info is found on this thesis. But, A future Doctor in the pfilosofhy, at the school of music humanities media. Who writes a thesis about a sunken shipwreck A weird combination, that is way beyond my understanding 😥 but the info in his thesis is very interesting step1 drawings and start building barrels and chambers current status
  12. The last ropes from the main sail are attached on some drawings this line goes up to the bowsprit (arrow). So this became improvising (there was no more room left in this place) ... I think the rigging is done someone is happy 😉 The following months will be spent making swivel cannons, anchors and flags
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