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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Thanks Mike. Next... Mary Rose, Mary Rose, Mary Rose 😉
  2. With a broken grinding machine, some gears and some other leftovers you can build a serving tool. costs little, just some time 😉
  3. The 3 models are ready. These are all made "out of the box" As mentioned earlier, these Revell models are quite nice without extra detailing. The boxer The 6 x 6 And the 8 x 8 three in a row Thanks for following, comments and likes during this build
  4. Good luck I also had the idea to build this (later...) Some useful links https://maritiemmuseum.nl/en/stories/masterpieces/mataro-nodell
  5. That is not good. 😲 Maybe best to remove the black lines first (fine sandpaper?) then you have more space to adjust the pieces
  6. Take good care of your thumb. He is important to us. A healthy thumb gives us a good model 👍
  7. The stem (problem) So now I know why the water lines from MRNS were not correct. The rason was "a wrong" start with the stem. So this problem will be solved first. The stem on this drawing is enlarged. The difference is clearly visible. The new piece Oops... Adjusting the front bulkheads and repositioning. (Mister Bosch is a very handy little thing for this). And my assistant is also there (on the right between 11 and 12) All bulkheads are bolted to the buildslip. And the water lines from MRNS are pretty accurate now. Thanks for following
  8. Part of the bulkheads are adjusted and ready. An opening is made in the middle. Start aligning and attaching the bulkheads to the buildslip. The buildslip is first leveled flat Aligning the bulkheads with the laser Making sure that the screws remain accessible The rear part is ready The plywood keel has been sawn through (a mistake was made at the front). The final keel will be installed at a later stage. Supervisor Felix has full confidence in this project 😼
  9. The models are almost ready for the final assembly and weathrering.
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