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Everything posted by Baker

  1. A few "filler blocks" in front and back will give your planking more support during gluing the planks. You don't have to this , but I think it will be easier to work (Billings kits usually only have one layer of planking)
  2. A great collection. Welcome to MSW
  3. Indeed, that drawing could be the Revenge My Pelican / Golden Hind started 6 years ago with these 2 drawings from Mathew Baker. Ps My name on this forum no comparison to the real Mathew Baker 😉
  4. After about 5 weeks an update Because the bathroom renovation caused quite a bit of dust...The Pelican was temporarily stored behind plexiglass. Meanwhile, a batch of new blocks has been made. For the martnets I wanted to use Deadeyes and fiddle blocks. But with 3 ropes per sail side, deadeyes are hopeless and fiddle blocks don't fit well either. So, the deadeyes became heart blocks and the fiddleblocks became shoe blocks (names come in Tudor warship Mary Rose) The martnets from the fore sail are ready. A small metal pin is used to hold them in place. Thanks for comments, likes and following Much appreciated 👍
  5. Correct and clearly explained 👍. And very nice work CDW 👍
  6. Billing's plans are indeed usually rather simple. Google for Model Shipways' Mayflower plans. They are much better and can give an answer many of your questions.
  7. Step 1 Start a build log 👍 Step 2 Step by step we will get to the finish 😉
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