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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Windows. I use the resin window as "mold" First I cut plastic strips and a piece of aluminum is the base on which the strips are glued together. The glued plastic does not stick to the aluminum cut loose 5 windows I first paint them green and then glue on clear plastic sheet. I cut away excess clear plastic and ad windshield wipers in place 5 weasels, washed with soap and water And with a base layer of paint From now on, this build can't go wrong anymore Thanks for following
  2. When I saw this ad I was a bit shocked Found on a Dutch website (translated to English) Building the Soleil Royal of Mantua should be easy. All you need is glue and a hobby knife ... To all beginners: this is really not true
  3. Nice start, In case you didn't find them yourself. Some links on the forum about planking. https://thenrg.org/resources/Documents/articles/PlankBending.pdf https://modelshipworld.com/forum/98-planking-downloads-and-tutorials-and-videos/
  4. Difficult subject. In my opinion, Yes With these drawings you could build a (heavily) armed merchantman. The stern gallery and the poop deck should not be present. But, Since no one can really prove what the Golden Hind really looked like, you can also use these drawings for this purpose. But (again) that's my opinion.
  5. Congratulations Rodolfo. It was a pleasure to follow the build of this beautiful model
  6. a free download on the website from Hismodels https://www.hismodel.com/victory-20
  7. Thank you, Alan. Next things made are the backrests of the seats and the shielding over the exhaust. The shielding is made of brass mesh (the mesh comes from a filter) The backrests are made of thin lead foil (this folds easier than styrene) Current status Thanks for following.
  8. Great work Ondras Wishing you a prosperous and healty 2022 too
  9. Very nice work Rodolfo We can always say that the crew is busy repainting and cleaning up the ship where it is needed. But as I keep telling to the admiral at home: I only have two hands and can't paint and repair everything at the same time 😉
  10. A very nice model 👍 Thanks for this educational and interesting buildlog. It was a pleasure to follow
  11. Thanks On special request : The duck family 😉🤣
  12. The rudders and their steering mechanism. 8 rudders from plastic sheet and 2 windows from the parts box Rudders in place steering mechanism (copper wire) Thanks for following
  13. Nice interior 👍. Nice work as always. But At first sight, this type of grenade is for the 8.8cm Pak 43 from the Jagdpanter and the Jagdpanzer Ferdinand. Not for the KwK 36 L/56 of a Tiger I. To be sure of this I have to start dig in my books
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