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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Continue with the Yards. An important difference between 16th century (and earlier) and 17th century (and later). Is that in the 16th century the main and fore sails were larger than their topsails. The well-known drawing by Mathew Baker is used as the basis for the length of the yards. And yes, the masts and yards were probably added later in the drawing. Here comes the yard/mast ratio to 8/9. Because this drawing shows a four master and this is a three master, the San Juan used as an example for the mizzen mast. Therefore the mizzen yard has approximately the same length as the main yard. And this gives following measures. The mizzen yard on the San Juan is sometimes in 2 parts (depending on the model) General test A sketch, to not forget the dimensions.. As a test, some running rigging was fitted to the main sail. Looks good with the main yard of 40cm length. 45 cm would be too wide compared to the width of the hull. Making the yards with the home made lathe. (Had to saw longer pieces first for the main and mizzen) Yards and the "outlicker" almost ready Cut to length and colored Thanks for following, likes and comments.
  2. Welcome to MSW an good luck
  3. When I see what is possible with modern technology. Very very nice work When I retire (31 december 2024), i go back to school and learn to draw things on a computer and print them with a 3d printer.
  4. Thanks Dave, Looks like an interesting book. I had already bought a book from abebooks in the UK. They are correct and deliver quickly. But since Brexit, buying something in the UK and having it shipped to the EU can sometimes be complex. 😟 Thanks Jeff. Meanwhile, the "yard length study" continues. And the solution may be near i think (hope 😉)
  5. Next to do : Making the yards So, what is the correct length?? Many drawings, many paintings. And they all have one thing in common : the lengths of the yards are almost all different in proportion to the masts. There is a description of the "correct length" of masts and yards. According to this, the yard of the main sail would be about the same length as the main sail The yard of the mizzen sail is even a little longer. If you then look at the drawing of the same ship, the ratio mainmast to main yard is not about 1/1 but about 5/8. So, it's going to be "trail and error" again... Calculate the lengths according to the table (old) With a very long main and mizzen yard. Then see if all these dimensions are believable. With a simple presentation of bamboo sticks, paper sails and tape (please don't laugh 😉) We immediately see that the yard of the mizzen mast is too long. the rest seem to be good at first sight to be continued. Thanks for following
  6. Base plate finished. All wooden parts ready Name painted Wood collored and all parts assembled.
  7. I have the same problem. You have no idea what all I've put away too safe, and find no more. Ver nice work, now (and 50 years ago) 👍
  8. The first time I see a ship like this. very special
  9. This is a small tank The "tail" at the back makes the tank longer. This should make it easier for to drive over trenches.
  10. Thanks. Indeed, the front bougies are wrong . Very well seen, a stupid mistake of me
  11. A first impression I France WW1 western front (Le Tigre : the tiger) II France WW1 western front III France WW1 western front IV Spain post WW1 in Spanish Morocco V France WW2 (1940) (Le champagne) in French Morocco VI France WW2 (1940) home land If you build the WW2 MG version, this should have a more modern MG
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