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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Very nice models 👍
  2. And good luck with the bleunose
  3. Instead of usually clicking on the like button. This rebuild of your models is very interesting to follow, and you are doing a great job.
  4. Such an old-fashioned seat of ease would have been much cheaper 😉
  5. Nice looking models
  6. Once sewn and ready, the sails are coated with beeswax. This ensures that there is no longer any frayed structure of the cotton. And the sail is getting a bit stiffer. Then the front and back are smeared with diluted PA glue, and i let the sail dry in the desired shape (and, it keeps the desired shape) Cotton sails are indeed too thick on this scale (I've been warned, and they're right) But the general structure and shape is not that bad, i think ( and i like to do stitching and sewing) Thanks, much appreciated Further with the fore sail "Rigging" a parrel ( needed two attempts) I made a whole work plan. Which turned out to be only half correct. For the main sail I make a new one So DO NOT follow this. Parrel Tyes and Gere in place. And I now see that the rope of the left "lift" needs more beeswax... Progress over the next few months will be slow, The wife (and me also) wants a new bathroom.
  7. Nice model and
  8. Starting a buildlog is a good idea. There is always help when Needed
  9. First see if this method works. And then I'll tell how. And if it didn't work Then I'll tell too, so everyone will know that this method was wrong 😉
  10. Thanks for the comment, likes and following. The parrels. How many rows of trucks are used at the yards? I come to an average of 3 and rarely 5 at the main yard ( on galleons and carracks). The parrel ribs are finally succeeded and "tested" The trucks are leftovers of Billing Boats material (plastic) painted and polished with a paper handkerchief. And the ribs are painted. I will largely follow this example (the ropework on the parrel will by challenging) First attempt at shaping the fore sail (general test) and most blocks have been applied in the meantime.
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