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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Interesting model. I have no experience with card or ironclads. I'm just going to watch, follow, learn and press the like button 👍😉
  2. Very nice paintwork. Or a WW1 British tank 😉
  3. And welcome back
  4. Thanks for the nice comments. Wheels and tracks are in place. The vinyl tires have one disadvantage. Normally these plastic tracks can be glued with regular plastic glue. Now it is necessary to use CA glue.
  5. Indeed, very nice work on the anchors (and the whole model of course)
  6. Building the 2cm flak Dry test The Flak and the parts of the turret Everything is ready to assemble the wheels and tracks Thanks for following
  7. Do you mean something like this and then 🤕..... 😉 A new saying Once I knew very little and i thought that i did great work. Now I know very much and i discovered that i did wrong work. haha
  8. In the US units that use a lot of captured vehicles are called a "rag tag circus" 😉 https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/rag-tag-circus-stole-vehicles/
  9. Yes, the chassis is a standard T34 (turret removed). And, indeed, Military modeling season is started Ammo rack in place
  10. Nice work And welcome to MSW
  11. Thanks, I will follow your advice.
  12. Welcome to the build of this unique T34. This was not a standard conversion but a "in the field conversion" of a German unit. The 34 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-34 The 2cm Flak https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2_cm_Flak_30,_Flak_38_and_Flakvierling_38 brief history https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=8225 UM is a company from Ukraine, these kits have usually good details and are easy to build https://henk.fox3000.com/um.htm (link to the website from Henk of Holland) The box Plans Parts Rubber tires on tankwheels, very unusual Building the chassis. And for the first time problems with a UM kit. Where is part C47?? And... the fenders are too long Problems solved (a piece of sprue is a new part C47 and the fenders shortened) drill out the exhausts Chassis and wheels ready ( needs some more sanding here and there)
  13. After viewing several build logs I tied my sails to the yards this way. (on a English galleon 2nd half of the 16th century) I recently bought the book "Tudor warship Mary Rose" ( a carrack 1st half 16th century) and there is this method D12 and D12/1 Yes , a carrack is not a galleon, and there is little information available about this era. My question: Is the method I used acceptable or is it from a later period?
  14. In my opinion not. The filler blocks seem to come more forward Check out the Bounty build of DaveBaxt .
  15. ja wadde (Flemish) easily translated as WOW Small update (as always from October on, most of my hobby time will go to military modeling) All sails are tied to the yards. Bought a book as preparation for a next project. To discover this I think I will (have to) do this step all over again 😟 dont now yet 🤔
  16. RLM02 is very greenish, so i dont think so. More something ivory white (elfenbein RAL1001) in the crew compartiment Red oxide (primer) in the engine compartment Hatches can be in the same color as the outside but not always these are my ideas But, It may also depend on the paint that was available. Crew interior definitely a light color for better visibility inside Whermacht colors : https://www.militaerlacke.de/fahrzeuglacke/2k-eimergebinde/wehrmacht/?p=1
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