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Everything posted by Baker

  1. 5 years ago I also had so many questions. In the first post you will find an index to the various building steps Enjoy reading 😉
  2. Good to see that everything turned out alright Glued plastic pieces in the freezer to loosen the parts again. I'll keep this in mind for future emergencies ...😉
  3. Thanks for the nice comment. No no, no SotS for me. I find it a very interesting book. And mister McKay has thought and studied about this ship very thoroughly. Maybe in a few years one of these two will be the next project.
  4. After banging my head against the wall a lot (luckily the wall is not damaged 😇). And been busy with military model building and repainting part of the house I managed to get one sail ready. Normally each rope has to go around the yard 2 times, but on this small yard this is too much. One time around looks better. The wrong methode (bottom) and the better metode (top) And I am now the proud owner of this book. With this very useful info for me. So I'm not going to adjust the mizzen sail. Thanks for comments, following and likes
  5. better : Barbed wire, land mines, booby traps... And, nice work on the Leopold
  6. Results. Base color : (factory color) field Grey Camouflage : red brown, light green and lime yellow.
  7. Not much actually. It's been a long time since I've built a German WW1 tank I'm going to look in my book first.
  8. The cannons are from British/Belgium origin
  9. An excellent choice. I do have some info available about this model.
  10. Thanks for the comments But if I look closely at the photos. My painting and weathering skills have become a bit "rusty" after a summer of rigging and sailmaking on my Pelican. Next model will be better 😇
  11. I build this kit years ago. Good Luck, i follow with interest
  12. 5 Weasels are slowly becoming active again First to do is making the wheels and tracks. On the original resin model this was quite primitive. The aim is to make an idler, sprocket and 4 bogies to determine the positions of the wheel assembly. Work in (slow) progress a primitive test bogie Thanks for following
  13. Time to finish this build Added some rust and some bare metal here and there. Glued the model on a base plate and gave a matt black wash. Tagged and stored with his T34 and SU brothers and sisters. Thanks everyone for following, comments and likes.
  14. Very nice motorcycle 👍 (a DKW 350 ?) rifle and uniform.
  15. Couldn't resist 😇 (sorry for posting this in your build) from top to bottom : K wagen prototype (scratch) A7V (resin ) Mother tank (airfix) Saint Chamond (scratch) FT17 (mathbox)
  16. More progress Painting in base color Add a cable (2 russian towingeyes and some rope) turret parts glued together made "a mess" with some mat Black 😇 turret installed A free style 3 tone camauflage (the black mess is a bit less messy 😉) dry brushing with light grey metal parts painted and ammo boxes in differend colors to be continued.
  17. Welcome, I found one Mayflower from Billing Boats
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