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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Completing the fore stays The forestay from the mizzen mast is replaced by a served one (looks better) Mizzen main fore Mast top Next item the shrouds of the top masts. As always, think first, then act. And maybe redo them...😉 ???? difficult choices... My example (Vasa) may not be that reliable in this rigging area after all Since few or no iron objects were found, they also had to search and guess. Great info about 17th century rigging (free download) https://nautarch.tamu.edu/Theses/pdf-files/Corder-MA2007.pdf Thanks for following
  2. Same problem for 16th century ships 😉 And, that's why my next model is probably a coca. A lot of free thinking and a lot of room for interpretation. I think there is a lot of difference between a cog and a coca
  3. Rodolfo has already done a lot of research
  4. The position of the pump is probably correct. A capstan cannot stand on this upper deck (then the rudder can no longer turn) Probably ther was only one windlass in the forecastle for lifting the anchor and the main yard.
  5. Further on the standing rigging. Foremast question : What is the angle at which the ratlines of the foremastge are placed? On 2 of my "live examples", they have problems keeping the same distance from the deadeyes Looking at drawings, the ratlines are in line with the railing and the deadeyes. So we go for the latter method. Oops forgot this one (but this is not on Breughel's drawing) Probably wrong Hopefully correct Ratlines done work in progress Blocks for the main mast forestay Rope serving exercise, looks good so far Thanks for following, comments and likes
  6. I think that your filler is not waterproof and becomes liquid again when it gets wet. Are your wales "wet" when you glue and pin them? Otherwise you have to bent them wet first, let them dry and then glue them on the hull. The good news Wales are usually painted black on the Revenge so you will not notice much of the filler that has come through the holes. I hope this helps
  7. If I understand correctly, I want to fill in the holes the pins have made. I use Google translate, so a picture of the problem might be easier to understand for me. Why not completely plank the hull first and then fill all the holes with filler. And, I think your first wale is not placed correctly Look at the build from Jonathan Ps, Nice ships, planes and little feet 😉
  8. For me too. Belgian chocolate, preferably fondant (dark chocolate) And, very nice work on the model 👍
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