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Everything posted by Baker

  1. First, congratulations on this beautiful model. To add a lantern or not, difficult question. This is how I made my lantern. (Post 24)
  2. indeed, And this is also an indication that this ship was built to last for a long time.
  3. No a post about progress, but solving a "wale mistery". In a previous post I was annoyed by the strange shape of the wale. well, solution found. the notch at the top does have a reason. This prevents water on the wale from seeping in between the seam of the wale and the plank above it. Source : Het statenjacht Utrecht.
  4. Small update The planking of the starboard side goes smoothly. The bulk heads are adjusted in advance and the frames of the cannon ports were already partly made. It's simply taking the dimensions from the port side to the starboard side and start planking. and the laser also comes in handy. I had some sawing work for another project and so I sawed wood for the base plate. Thanks for following
  5. If you log in to this forum again. I am interested in the Mary Rose cannons
  6. Researched the planking of the hull of a galleon for my previous model. (Starts in post 47)
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