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Everything posted by RGL

  1. The 2 ships cranes, horrible instructions and I needed to add on a few extras so the rigging is correct but now they’re attached I’m fairly happy. I just have to hang a plane off one.
  2. Nearly there! Ammo boxes, deck equipment, new chains to keep @Dubz happy! 34 individual 20mm guns. Plus a ship’s bell. The ships plane, railings (not looking forward to a week of rigging stanchions, davits; light weathering. Oh, and the screws. Starting to look like a warship.
  3. How about a jap destroyer Cog to go with your Yamato? If if I hadn’t done my triple Japanese set I’d probably do this. Now I’ve got a triple RN it means I have 2 more Germans to go after the Emden.
  4. Thanks for the likes. @Dubz I have painted up another chain which I will try before doing up the railings which will be one of the last steps. The main guns, a bit of dry brushing, add handrails and a Pom Pom
  5. Dirk, I think it's borderline? I bought the kit dirt cheap, and it came with a Artwox wooden deck and chain (The deck is incorrect so I did not use it) but the chain is far more accurate than what Pontos gave. It may be 1/4 too big but better than getting a North star individual linked chain and taking a full week to make it up. Damn, this is going to nag me now. Jan you can't see it but I did manage a triple layer. Too much like hard work for mine.
  6. i Just hate doing the ships boats as I reckon they just look horrible. Thus cover them with canvas.
  7. Big guns done, even the triple levels on the barrels, they need some weathering yet plus handrails, which will be about a full day’s work.
  8. Starting to get the next lot done. Firstly the anchor chains with some extra detail for chain stoppers and hawser Home covers.
  9. Sorry, most of us don't have a spare 6 metres in the house to build one. Mind you sourcing the aircraft and the crew would be fairly easy. More teasers for the Seydlitz though, if you remember my Dreadnought, it can be done in a similar manner.
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