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Everything posted by RGL

  1. It’s absolutely up to you old boy on how you want the outcome to be. I use primer as paint lifts if I don’t as I mask. I use Tamiya rattle can primer on and PE and have learnt to rub the plastic down with nail polish remover, particularly on large areas as the grease from fingerprints sticks. I’m yet to find a decent acrylic primer.
  2. The square thingy on the bow is a building in the back ground. By 1945 the a turret was replaced by a depth charge thrower and the overhang under the B turret was shortened. There is a description in the AWM photographs but no clear images.
  3. You can see the after torpedo tubes have been landed and it looks like the added a sideboard near the rear cannon platform as the paintwork rises above deck level. Needed to to make some room for my next build.
  4. I would still do the 1945 version but there is no reference material. I reckon by that time they just did, no plans lodged and used what they could. Or could steal.
  5. Probably kill you as the amount of cutting required would clog up your lungs with resin dust.
  6. If there was a 1940’s plastic version available I would, but the resin ones price is just silly.
  7. Salt added at the waterline and done. Just park it up with the others awaiting Cog and Popeye. So small compared to a modern DDG.
  8. Nice work on the davits Cog. Talking about food, you do bite very well. Railings are on, re did the flag as the ensign with the southern cross apparently didn’t come into service till 1967 ( I think the year Cog left school), and apparently there is no clad on the main mast, the national flag only goes on the bow. At this scale you can stick the decal onto tin foil then bend as to have it fluttering but the kit ones are a bit small so I used a ensign from the Dreadnought, not as sharp but folds better. I used the kit liferingwhich aren’t that bad. Ready to weather.
  9. Dead right Mr D. I have already stripped them as a) they looked crap and (b) they are wrong.
  10. I’m only 6’3”, you Northern Europeans are supposed to be tall. And yes, it’s a capsicum
  11. I did had to explain to a Ralph’s grocery manager in San Diego that humans actually eat pumpkin once. Maybe it was the Australian accent that made him believe I was winding him up.
  12. Well, I did have a burger for dinner last night. Diced onion, capsicum, lean beef, marinated in Soy, Worcestershire sauce, paprika for a few hours before making the paddies. Burgo s must have beetroot.
  13. I’m holding gardening off until I finish her. As it’s winter nothing grows, trees to prune etc. this is is my Wednesday
  14. Still picking on me I see Cog. I can’t start on the railings for a couple of days, so you should catch up. I’ve promised myself to clean up the garden before I start my next one. I’m awaiting the PE from Korea and a reference book from the UK. This is such an international sport. The bloke who makes my wooden bases is busy at the moment so that final bit may be a while. I still need one for Isuzu. Popeye, you just can’t rig something like this without using the Elastic or Denier lines. One roll lasts forever.
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