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Tim Murphy

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Everything posted by Tim Murphy

  1. Please note, All the first six frigates are built to the same basic design. 3 heavy and 3 light. All would be different because they were built in 6 different yards and different builders. All had the same basic materials. White Oak, Live Oak, Broad Leaf Pine, White Pine, Tar, Pitch, Felt, Iron, Copper, Hemp. They are Sister Ships. All similar, All different. All built with the Backbone of America in them. Something that the British and French did not have. Think about that!
  2. Frank! What a brilliant build. I love everything about this Ship. You really showed your models skills and I’m so happy for you. I really hope you will be able to show it at the Guilds show in February! Best of luck Tim
  3. Frank, as always you have outdone yourself. As I have said before, this is by far your best work yet. I cannot wait to see this on display at the February 2024 Show. This will definitely be the height of the show at the Museum! The more important question question is. Where is your Wife going to allow it to be displayed? Also who is Kirill that he could be so petty to criticize you on your build. If he can create a model that looks so good, than he can criticize. All my best! Tim Murphy
  4. Ryland, I totally agree with you on getting ready to purchase a bunch of tickets. Next years North East show is starting to look like a great show. I can not wait! Tim Murphy
  5. Frank, this build gets better and better. I can’t wait to see the finished Ship! Great piece of work Sir! all my best! Tim
  6. Your copper hull looks fine. Do not destroy all that hard work. I volunteer at the Navy Yard in Charlestown. I have seen the coppering of Constitution up closed. Do you know the size of a coppering nail? I looks like a furniture tack. The smaller the head the better the job. If your twenty feet away from the hull and you look at the hull it’s hard to see the nail heads. Work on the upper parts of the model that will require a great of detailing. If the upper part of the ship looks as good as the lower half you’re going to have a great model. Also, how far are you from Tokyo? The Tokyo Rope club is a great group of Ship Modellers. Try to contact them. All my best Tim Murphy
  7. My God Frank! What a job. Your work is just beautiful. This is going tho be your best model ever. Do you have any idea how many hours you have into this build? Just Gorgeous! Tim
  8. Frank, a absolutely great build! The best you have done! Tim
  9. I just received my copy of Rob’s new book. It is really great piece of work, full of helpful information for any Modeler . 
    Rob really out did himself in putting this together. I will really enjoy reading this and it will me new skills in modeling.

    I have been lucky to know him and happy to call him friend.

    Also, thank you to Mike Ellison for your acquisition of Sea Watch Books. This book would not have come to print with out Mikes efforts.

    I hope that I can look forward to the third volume of the Rogers Collection!



  10. Frank, this is a magnificent project! As, I said before, this is the best thing that you have done, and you have done many great models! I hope you will reconsider and enter your Ship in our February 2023 Model Ship Show at the Constition Museum show. When you add the oars to the ship it my be to large to display. Just a thought. I think you are a great modeler. Tim Murphy
  11. Frank, the ship looks great. The paint is very vibrant and really brings out the details. I do think that the transfer method on the flags will work the best. Good luck! Tim
  12. Frank, your getting to the end. Such a gorgeous model! The best that you have done. Tim
  13. Frank, I am in awe of how much you have accomplished in this build. Most of the builders in our group do English or American style Ships/ Boats. This is a complete departure from what we have learned about ships, there style and function. We follow Dutch, English, and French Atlantic style sailing ships or steam ships. To make a Mediterranean style ship is a great accomplishment. I can not wait to see this up close. Thank You Tim
  14. One point on this build. A Shallop was built , it was built in England or Holland (eg. the Plymouth Pilgrims). The boat was to long to be carried on board Susan B. Constant or the Mayflower. The boat was built in two pieces. A forward section and aft section. So we need to put a wall amidships on the model to delineate the two half’s. Just a point to consider. Tim Murphy
  15. I got the kit the other day. Very nice! I started the build the other day and I would say that Olha’s YouTube video is very helpful. It is a very nice kit. You have three build frames to construct the model. One for the ribbing of the kit. Another for the set up to plank the model and another that is the base but will allow you to rig the ship. The frames are made of MDF and they serve the purpose. The wood to build the boat seems to be cherry. Very nice. The line suppled is much better than most kits. I don’t think I will need to swap out this line for Chuck’s line. We will see. Those members of the NRG, and who attended the 2010 Conference at Annapolis may have seen the Shallop down at the harbor. The Sultana Project built a “copy” of the Shallop. I took a bunch of photos. Try going to this web site, www.smith trail.net/captain-john-smith/the-shallop.aspx This article has some very good info on how they built their Shallop. Hope this is of use. Regards Tim Murphy
  16. I totally understand that. You really do understand the theory of Japanese boat design and you give us a way of respecting a ship design that is total foreign to europian design. Best of luck with the diorama! Tim
  17. Clair, this looks very good, but it’s not Japanese? Hope you have fun with it. Best of luck! Tim Murphy
  18. Frank, this is really a outstanding model. It follows in all of your other works. You have become a real master in every way. Tim
  19. Frank! I notice that you have a Cat assistant! I hope that he/she is well trained. The Sails do look good. Best of luck with them. Tim
  20. Frank, looks like your making good progress. I do think that Silk Span is a very good material to use for sails. Have you seen Tom Laurie’s “You Tube videos “. He does one on silk span sails. It’s very good an informative on making the sails. All my best Tim
  21. Frank the Masting looks great. Your making great progress on Her. She will be quite impressive when done. Any thoughts about sending some info to Dave Morton. The Broadside could use this unique type of ship. I have never seen any article on any Mediterranean type ship. All my best Tim
  22. Frank, great shots of the new shop! Hope your ship will be ready for the Guild show at the Museum this coming April. I am convinced that this model would be the hit of the show! Best of luck! Tim
  23. Frank, glad to see your up and running in the new house. Can’t wait to see your progress. Hopefully you will finish the model so it can be shown if the Guild has a 2022 show. All my best! Tim
  24. A POF kit would be great for the modeling community. Your models teach so much. Just reading what you do are some of the best lessons out there. You and Tom Laurie are some of the best teachers out there. Tim Murphy
  25. You know, I thought that we had a great show. I can not believe that some Jerk would have done this. What a disappointment! I am very sorry that this happened. Tim Murphy
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