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Posts posted by rdsaplala

  1. Hi Mike, 


    She's coming along beautifully, those precut bulwarks are indeed quite a pain to install, but I can see that you've  overcome them with flying colors B)



    ...I hope you don't mind, but I copied some pictures off your log showing your main bitts construction.  They will be very helpful resources, thank you!


    No problem my friend, copy away, I'll be copying quite a lot of your excellent techniques in the near future too  ;)

    Have a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! :)

  2. Thank you very much Augie, Anja, Nils, Sjors, Mark, Grant, Robert, Mike, Christian, and Mobbsie for the kind words and well wishes, I really appreciate it, and many thanks also to all who pressed the like button :)


    To answer some querries:


    Nils, my Pegasus is unfortunately on hold as my health condition limits my building time so I prioritized Triton.


    Mark, the bump has indeed been sorted out and the modification produced a relatively fair hull, it appears that the NMM draught has negligible distortion and can be directly traced to create replacements for the offending aft-most bulkheads :)



    Sjors, I'm afraid that I don't have anymore copies of those previous pics :( however, to summarize, those posts just show one method on how you can detect the degree of horizontal distortion on draughts by comparing 10 feet sections at various areas such as the foremost, middle, and aftmost portions of the "ruler-like" diagram as seen in the picture below:

    The closer these measurements are to each other, the less the horizontal distortion and vice versa. That is however only a minute aspect so for further reading, I highly recommend David Antscherl's two articles: "Understanding Eighteenth-Century Admiralty Drafts" and "Drawing Techniques for the Modeleller". These two excellent works give a lot of useful info on interpreting and drafting ship plans :) 
    Thanks again you guys, have a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all! B) 
  3. Hi Christian,


    I just finished browsing through your log, you're doing some excellent work both in CAD and in wood Sir, your Alert is looking great! 


    I've been lucky to have have copies of David Antscherl's " Understanding Eighteenth-Century Admiralty Drafts" and "Drawing Techniques for the Modeleller" thanks to druxey, and I am amazed at his techniques of correcting distortions and drawing the various sweeps and curves using the provided radii/centres by hand. I am equally amazed at how you are extending these mind-blowing techniques to CAD B)

  4. Hi guys,


    Well, after going through nearly all the stages of depression due to my illness, I am slowly getting back on my feet. Thanks first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whom I find my strength and salvation, and of course, thanks to all you guys who have given me support in one way or another :)


    This ship is included in my bucket list so I figure it's time to devote a bit of time to the shipyard, which as can be seen, needs a bit of tidying up  ;)




    Anyway, I thought I'd share what little I have accomplished these past several months:




    First off, I encountered a slight problem brought about by my haste to get the hull done quickly :(


    As previously mentioned, my hull is a combination of bulkheads that I made from the NMM draughts as well as from MSW plans.

    Below is a printout of my CAD work showing the NMM plan juxtaposed to the MSW centerboard plan to illustrate the problem:




    As can be seen in the close up, MSW bulkheads number 6 and 18 fall directly on gunports:




    I had several options to solve this, but being the lazy guy that I am, I decided on the simplest one and that was to cut off the affected bulkhead extensions and just reposition  new extensions away from the area of the gunports:





    I also managed do a bit of planking and used cherry strip to mark the sheer so as to make it easier to position the second planking later on. Cherry was also used to set the upper and lower borders of the gunports since I plan to use this wood for my second planking:


    I've also been doing some CAD work for my stern lights and stern fascia:
    Once I'm done test fitting/tweaking cardboard printouts of these, I plan to send the files to Chuck for laser cutting. He makes some beautiful laser cut parts as seen in the discussion below  B) :
    Last but not least is the long and excruciating work that I've done during the Christmas holiday, and that was..... drum roll please........
    ....to frame a pair of gun ports :P
    Now I just have to complete 24 gunports on the gundeck and 6 gunports on the quarterdeck, which should be finished in another year or so :D
    That's it for now, thanks again guys B)







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