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Everything posted by mtbediz

  1. Hull planking has been finally completed it took more than 2 months because besides i had limited time to work on, i only used white carpenter glue (needed to wait for drying of glue) and the widht of the strips were only 3 mm which means i had to prepare (cutting, tapering, soaking, bending) a lot of strips before install them. Time to go up to the deck now
  2. I started building this handmade Santa Maria kit 3 months ago which was prepared by my friend. It is going quite slowly because i have limited time. I am going to share what i have done so far and continue to share when something new is done.
  3. Project started on 31.08.2013 and still in progress. What a beautiful job.
  4. No Dutchman, this is not Albatros, this is a Turkish fishing boat. I use an activator to speed up sticking of the glue.
  5. my first model, i know i have many mistakes but i have learned many things in this conversation here to improve my performance. many thanks friends.
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