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Everything posted by mtbediz

  1. Hello Pierre, Long time no updates. Did you give up building your SM? Are you fine?
  2. Hi Julian, You are off to a good start. I will be following with interest because i am currently building Santa Maria too.
  3. Hi Bug Your Santa Maria looks great. Very good work. My current build Santa Maria has already got a "round tuck stern"
  4. Hello Ray, You said you built quite a few model ships. Haven't you had a scalpel or craft knife so far? This knife is one of the most basic tools in building models. Regards, Mustafa
  5. Hello Lawrence, Thank you for visiting my log and for your encouraging comment. Yes i realized that some dust was collecting on the model and i started to cover the ship by cloth while i don't work on it. Actually this handmade kit doesn't consist a lot of detail parts and yes, before i start rigging i will complete all available detail parts. Best regards, Mustafa
  6. Forecastle fence is in progress. This handmade kit originally includes those laths in following picture but i decided not to use them and i am making fence instead because i have seen a lot of Santa Maria ship model on the internet and most of them were with fence. I think it will look better.
  7. Railings are complete and in place but not glued yet because they need to be tung oiled before i glue them. BTW i had a cute visitor at my balcony yesterday Mustafa
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