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Posts posted by Tompslattery

  1. On 7/8/2020 at 1:05 PM, Rick01 said:

    When you come to fitting the gun tackle you may want to try smaller blocks than those provided. I've used 3 mm and also added the restraining rope to the carronade itself. Still not as good as I'd like but I just can't handle 2 mm blocks!




    I've also dug up a pair of 6lb cannon left over from another build and will add these at the prow. I haven't completed the tackle yet as I'm waiting on a mail order - we're in complete lockdown so it's mail or nothing at the moment.





    Thanks my instructions didn’t really supply any details see attached.  I’ve had an attempt to make sleds but I not happy with them



  2. On 6/23/2020 at 5:16 PM, Tompslattery said:

    Well tonight could've gone better.  I was unhappy with how this railing that the bowsprit slots through turned out, so I decided to try pulling it apart to do it again.  Should've just left it.  Broke of 3 of the corner ends as well as splitting pieces off longitudinally.  Manage to glue most of the bits back onto the rail except for one corner.  Now to recut the 3 posts and hope I get it square this time


    Not sure if its much of an improvement



  3. Well tonight could've gone better.  I was unhappy with how this railing that the bowsprit slots through turned out, so I decided to try pulling it apart to do it again.  Should've just left it.  Broke of 3 of the corner ends as well as splitting pieces off longitudinally.  Manage to glue most of the bits back onto the rail except for one corner.  Now to recut the 3 posts and hope I get it square this time


  4. On 5/29/2020 at 7:41 AM, Gaffrig said:

    The planking continues..



    Got four more planks on both sides. Eight in total.

    It's going slow but steady!



    Not the prettiest planking, but I think it will smooth out when sanded. The camera seems to highlight all the bumps and edges...


    In between waiting for the planks and the glue to dry I've continued on the cannons. Or carronades?

    There is some photoetched brackets that I cut loose from the sheet and "folded" and blackened.






    The little crosses are the back supports/adjusters to hold the backend of the barrel to the carriage.

    I'm not too sure I like those..


    When mounting the gun barrel to the bracket I got a problem with the gunbarrel tab being too wide to fit..



    So I have to file down the sides of the tab on my newly painted barrels.. 😟

    Oh well. It's one of those little setbacks that's a part of the hobby I guess!


    That sounds like an interresting scratch build project! It will be a big model!


    Between planking and guns I also started at the deckhouses/skylights. These are pretty simple affairs of lasercut plywood that fits together pretty well.

    I'm jumping a little back and forth in the manual, but it's all gonna be done at one time or another.



    The main deckhouse is all that got captured on "film" 😆



    That's it for now.

    Next update coming soon!





    I really like the gun sleds that came with your kit as well as the etched transom piece. Much better than my renard kit 

  5. On 5/9/2020 at 7:13 AM, KeithAug said:

    Druxey, I tried it and this is my preferred method - thank you. I used cocktail sticks reduced from .080" diameter to .070" and coloured them with felt tip pens. 


    I completed the deckhouse (except the flags). This started with finishing the tops of the two wing structures.DSC09989.thumb.JPG.29378de48b5f3a7ce200eb26266bdbb1.JPGDSC09992.thumb.JPG.faa2266dfe5148e9582c257f8584f8ab.JPG

    More skylights were required on the starboard wing but these were under half the size of those previously done. They were made in the same way as the ones previously completed.





    I now share the sad news of the demise of my magic 0.6mm  drill bit. After it had manfully completing 224 holes I took its photograph.


    Two minutes later I was using it freehand to clean up another hole and the slight amount of side pressure snapped it ------- RIP.


    The final segment to the right of the two skylights was covered in decking planks.

    The bi-folding doors were then made from mahogany.


    They were glued in place and wire was used to simulate hinges.


    I feel that I need a diversion from the deckhouses and so will have a go at the main boom crutch next. 

    Hi Keith this looks amazing 


    I was wondering what is it you’ve placed under the skylight grills, the blackish bit? You may have already mentioned and I might have missed it. 




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