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About flying_dutchman2

  • Birthday 07/18/1957

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  • Location
    Crown Point, IN, USA
  • Interests
    Dutchman living in the Midwest.

    Dutch Merchant Ships (1600-1850), Everything about VOC history, Woodcrafts such as Carving & Scrollsaw. Bonsai with Japanese Maples. Edible gardening. Birding.

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  1. While in Taiwan I went to Wood Craft Fair and purchased some interesting planers. Facebook links: lukangtools - Chisels, planers, etc. - Taiwan https://www.facebook.com/lukangtools sincerecraft - Taiwan Check out their facebook page and some of their videos. https://www.facebook.com/sincerecraft.tw
  2. Cut square and rectangular dowels from walnut on the bandsaw and glued the front of the block on one side and the side of the block on the other side. They are now ready for drilling using a 1mm diameter bit. Marcus
  3. In the summer of 2024, I started working on the blocks. Using TurboCAD, I took the block plan from the book and used the measurements for the scale I am using. Copied both the front and side of the blocks and filled the page with copies of the individual blocks and are ready for printing. Marcus
  4. I did a drawing of the anchors in the scale I needed. They are completely made of wood except for the ring. Two sheet and two best bower anchors. Marcus
  5. Added sails, oars, the sticks that belong to the windlass in one of the boats. Tied it all together and will be placed on the Fluit once the masts, sails and rigging is completed. The little boats were difficult to make and the next ones that go on the Heemskerck (War Yacht and sister ship of the Zeehaen) will be made differently. Marcus
  6. In November of 2024 we went 4 days to Taiwan and 10 days to Vietnam. In Taiwan I went to a wood museum and a wood craft fair. I purchased some interesting planners (pictures will follow). I will attach the facebook pages from the woodcrafters I visited. All the temples we visited had very intricate carvings. Taiwan is very clean (not a piece of paper on the roads), and the people are very friendly and that goes for Vietnam as well. In March of this year we are going to Capetown, South Africa for a little less than 3 weeks. South Africa has been on my bucket list for decades. That little crescent shaped piece of the Southern tip of South Africa called, Cape Flora Kingdom is one of the 6 unique plant kingdoms in the world. About 70% of its flora is found nowhere else on the planet. As a retired Horticulturist/Plant & Soil Scientist I just have to see this before I die and the Botanical Garden, Kirstenbosch is the place to see some of these species. Also interested in the Dutch history and the maritime museum. Add some updates which were done last year.
  7. Great review, Chris! I got it a couple of weeks ago and it is another excellent book from Ab and Emiel Hoving. This book will give me the courage to build a ship in card. Marrc
  8. Hi Chris, Thanks for the link. I am going to check some Dutch sites (I speak it fluently) and plug in the weight of paper/card numbers mentioned in Ab's new book. Marcus Thanks Phil, for the information. Marcus
  9. Hi Chris, I am going to try my hand at scratch building paper models. Yesterday I received Ab Hoving's book "Dutch 17th Century Ship Models in Paper", from Seawatch Books. I will start with a small Dutch merchant ship. In his book, Ab discusses the types of weight of the paper but it is the Dutch kind he uses. Can't seem to find a conversion table (European to US paper weight). What do you recommend I use? Abe mentions 0.5 mm thick, 1mm thick and 2mm thick. Thanks in advance, Marcus
  10. Every Fluit you have built is always beautifully executed. I always learn something looking at your Fluits. I use this knowledge on my own fluit to make sure the Zeehaen is correct. Marcus
  11. Ab, Beautiful pictures, so realistic. Emiel does an excellent job with Photoshop. Do you have higher resolutions of all your pictures, especially the ones in your book of 17th Century Dutch Merchant ships? I would be interested in the Fluit pictures. Thanks, Marc
  12. Ab, Glad you are feeling better. Looking forward to the Photoshop composition. Marcus
  13. Jules, I second that from @druxey, is there a thesis or dissertation on the above information? If so, I would love to read it. I would also like to see the biography list of all the references you are using as you have some interesting articles that I have not heard of before. Thanks, Marcus
  14. This is a fascinating topic and I have been reading this thoroughly. It also gives me a better understanding of it all (Thank you Jules). I use Witsen's manuscript and Hoving's book which is an interpretation of Witsen's manuscript plus several other books to attempt to either built another Fluit (First I need to finish the Zeehaen), or the war yacht, the Heemskerck. Marcus
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