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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. Amazing Chuck! I understand you were discouraged a couple of months ago. Are you still planing on making the Winchelsea a semi scratch kit any kind of kit? Or a practition or anything like that?
  2. Haha to be fair my original post says Im "about" to buy it. Fridays when I get paid. It will still be there trust me. MSW needs a hornet build... even if it is my low skill set doing the building.
  3. I hope your right. What ever happened to trumpeter releasing a 1/200 enterprise which is the same as the hornet I think. They were working on it last I heard about a year ago.
  4. I've had bad experiences with packages from asia. Maybe ill get lucky and find it in the states at a normal price. I still have time. Its funny because there is TONS of PE kits available and in stock everywhere for the hornet. I'm no math wiz but if theres alot of PE kits but no more actual hornets, that might be a problem.
  5. Thanks CDW. I guess i'm sticking with the missouri unless i can find the hornet. I'm not paying $370 +$140 shipping. There are no build logs of the hornet on MSW. It would of been nice to create a build log for it.
  6. I can't find the hornet for sale anywhere at a normal price. Almost like its discontinued
  7. Wow everyone is in favor of the hornet. CDW I've heard that before about the hull of the missouri. I've also heard that about the bismarck. It doesnt bother me to much. The average guest coming in to my house will never know so I'm happy.
  8. One of my favorite parts of building this model is when all the hard work is done and it's time for all the deck fittings to go on. I love when it really starts to fill in and look good... like rite now. In this next photo those big air filters look awesome! Looks just like they are dirty from catching dust for a while. You Can't see it in the photo but trust me...awesome!
  9. I'd like to take a vote on my next model, I cant decide on my own. 1/200 missouri or the 1/200 hornet aircraft carrier. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I already have the missouri and I'm about to order the hornet so I will have both when the time comes.
  10. Thank you CDW! I just wish it was a little better. I think its kinda sloppy, but I hope my next build will be better.
  11. So I finally finished the shading. It didnt take to long either. all I have to do now is glue all of these deck fittings. to this Then I can get started on the railings.
  12. I had a little more time so i started installing the guns, radars, wire reel, etc. I tried to show the detail in the guns but my camera is very limited. If I get any closer than this it gets all blury.
  13. I actually got alot done today in a relatively short amount of time. First I got done shading the main piece. then I installed the wooden deck. then I glued on the second floor. next came the piece on stilts. the hole for the main mast lines up perfectly with the stilt piece. thats it for today
  14. I only worked half a day today so I got a little bit of shading done. I started with the garage door area. Over all it looks ok. here is a before and after shading. There is still some dark spots that I need to soften up I am allways worried that it wont match the rest of the super structure when I put it on the ship so I checked. I think the shading looks even throughout.
  15. Awesome! What company are the 20mm guns from? Eduard?
  16. Just one more paint session for the super structure. She is also excited the painting is almost done. thats all thats left to paint. 1 hour later it's done heres a few more pieces. I see ALOT of shading in my future! oh man i just realized theres 2 guns on tripods that I totally forgot about. Stupid me.
  17. I couldnt get much done after work today. I painted the dark grey areas by hand with a brush. It definetly does not come out as good as airbrushing but it's one 3 small areas. then I still had time so I started to prep all of the deck fittings for paint tomorrow. I hope to airbrush all thats left tomorrow and also start shading.
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