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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better, Eberhard. The tarpaulin looks very convincing and I look forward to seeing the cutter hanging from her davits.
  2. An absolutely stunning model made even more so considering the scale and materials used.
  3. Frank, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  4. Grant, thank you for the tutorial on making sails from silkspan. I think your sails turned out great, very realistic at 1:300 scale.
  5. Marc, I guarantee they're not seeing the light of day over at Ships of Scale. I want to continue this discussion but not here, I've highjacked Marc's build log enough, I'm moving further discussion on this to the "Gun Carriages" link. Marc, thank you for your patience.
  6. Never say never, Dave. You're young enough to learn to carve and I'm betting you'd be pretty good at it.
  7. The ladders turned out looking great, all of the second ship looks convincing. Nice job, Glen.
  8. Kortes, I think all the options look great. The last photo looks perfect to me.
  9. For those wishing to go down the gun carriage rabbit hole see the link below. https://thescholarship.ecu.edu/bitstream/handle/10342/7250/BUNYARD-MASTERSTHESIS-2019.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  10. Amazing detail and beauty on an insignificant item. You set a high bar, Keith.
  11. Steven, what is the block size? I picked up some 3mm single blocks form Cornwall Model Boats a couple of years back, they are tiny little buggers. https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/cgi-bin/ss000001.pl?page=search&SS=3mm+blocks&PR=-1&TB=O&ACTION=Go!
  12. Marc, nice to see you having a great time/trip with your family. In regards to the above quote. If you'll note in the photo below, there are no gun tracks for the Parrott rifle (on the right as you're viewing the photo) to move across and into position. If it's a 60 LB rifle the weight is a little over 2.5 tons, if it's a 100 LB rifle (which is my guess because of the size) the weigh is almost 5 tons. If a deck was going to get ripped to shreds this lump would be the one to do it. Gun carriage trucks (wheels) could have been iron banded. Sea battles were intense but its not like they were happening on a daily basis. Deck plank repair is a simple task and could have been carried out by the carpenter's apprentice with the aid of a couple of crew members if needed.
  13. Eberhard, sorry that you and your wife contracted Covid, the both of you get well soon. The cutter is a little jewel.
  14. Carlo, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  15. Randy, it's better to PM personal information that putting it out there for public consumption. Not to fear any MSW members taking advantage but I'm sure we get trolled by those that might would take advantage. You need to delete David's email addy.
  16. Mike, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  17. Mark, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  18. Grant, I look forward to seeing your work with silk span.
  19. Rich, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
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