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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. This is interesting information....I have NEVER had any issues with Cast Your Anchor...and I've been dealing with them for years. Sad if it's true. Rob
  2. Hey....does anyone have any good glass case plans I might look at? I'm planning on building my own case for the GR but would like some ideas other that what I have already devised. Rob
  3. *12 years* That is a goodly amount of time. I built the display stand with the ships name of both sides for the precise purpose of rotating her. I'm hoping it will survive my life time while I still can enjoy it. Thanks for the fine comment Bob, I appreciate that. Rob
  4. I think I thought of that....since the great window is overshadowed by a large expansive cedar...no direct sunlight actually enters the room from that window. Just ambient light filtered by sheer window treatments. I hope it will suffice. The trees plus several large Rodies block all the direct sunlight. Thanks for noticing the potential problem...... Rob
  5. Yes indeed Pat...nearly 6 years of building and planning. I'm working out my plans for the case I need to build for it and a bit of rearranging of the library where it will reside. It will require a significantly large case and case table. I plan on displaying it in front of a large picture window. Till then, I still have plenty of rigging to finish up and many minor details to bring this build log to a close. (How weird is that?) And in only 38 pages too. Rob
  6. Spent some time today adding the main spanker and topmast stays. Some pics. Rob
  7. Michael...just wonderful paneling work and the machining....oh...so nice. Rob
  8. Today I glued the spanker mast in place and am preparing to build the lower stays and their rigging. Rob
  9. Simply magnificent. Craftmanship is second to none. Rob
  10. Indeed...house flags were the calling card for vessel ownership......one of my favorite scenes.....
  11. One item I wish to share concerning my representation of the Great Republic. I wish to reemphasize, that my version is based on her original rig as designed and built by Donald McKay. And as accounts recalled her, as she sailed down from her Boston point of origin to her final rigging and loading out point in NY harbor. She was being towed down, but set sail, throwing off her lines and actually overcoming and passed her tug on the trip down. She was *dressed out* when she left and when she arrived at dockside, where she spent many weeks loading cargo...and while she was disposed...her captain(Donald McKay's brother) permitted her to be viewed by the adoring and amazed public, for a fee of one dime admission. Monies collected were used to fund the *Sailors Haven* a retirement house for old sailors. My attempt to model her cannot be understood as a representation of how she appeared at any time after she was burned to the waterline and subsequently rebuilt at a greatly reduced rig and capacity. As I get closer to her completion...details will be added that will harmonize actual practice of ensign and pennant locations....along with artistic license that greatly pleases the model makers own romantic allure to this wonderfully imagined and crafted extreme bark clipper. Rob
  12. I knew that *underway* vessels generally only displayed the ensign on the gaff and possibly some signal flags below that. From what I gather....it was not uncommon for a merchant ship to fly their owners *House* flag on the masthead when in proximity of land...to give recognition to the said owner/s. Thanks again for the fine observation and acute description of proper flag display. That detail can get lost, among other things, but is not any less significant. Rob
  13. Thanks Bob..so much for your input. Much appreciated as usual. Rob
  14. Sorry for the delay in answering you Bob...…..LIFE happens. From what I gather...from my study...during her entrance into NY harbor she was bedecked with all manner of duplicate ensign's and pennants....from the tops of all her masts. I will be adding a large national flag from her spanker gaff peak as was her natural location, when that time comes. I'm considering adding a house flag beneath the mizzen ensign as well, or maybe from the spanker top. Thanks for applying your keen eye, Bob and pointing out the issue. Most....are not aware that certain flags had certain locations that they were flown from. Rob
  15. I'm sure that she did....however, records indicate she was only partially rigged when she went down from Boston to New York.....suggesting she would fill out her sail compliment once there. I took the liberty to remove the crossjack for better viewing of the mizzen rigging and that of the spanker. Sail configurations were in part that of the privy of the captain........So I *Privied*..... Thanks for noticing. Rob
  16. I wanted to add this new image to give some balance to the entire rig of the ship. Rob
  17. Oh, she is looking magnificent. wonderful work on the boom and gaffs. Will she be getting sails.....? Rob
  18. Funny..as I survey the situation....it appears all that is needed is the stays and the shrouds/ratlines...not to mention lots of final finishing details and some running rigging for the gaff and boom. I'm shocked I'm gonna be finished with this model in a month or so(assuming a lot). I'll have to take some good photos of it, outside the model shop, that is. Happy new year everyone. Rob
  19. Placed the spanker in the hull for some balance and measurements. Making sure everything is correct before I finalize the stepping and glue the mast in place. Rob
  20. Here are some images of todays work. I set the topsail and am finishing up its rigging with sheets and downhauls. Pretty close to stepping the mast in the hull. Enjoy.
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