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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. There is a little. https://www.model-monkey.com/search-results-page/1%2F200 scharnhorst
  2. FINALLY......... Something the Huey was better at than an F-4, (Other than small landing zone and lower than treetop flying) We had excellent air conditioning, especially in the rear door positions! 😎
  3. I think that if you look at the group build by RGL, Canute, Cog, and Stein Gildberg that they show the use of nets produced for the 1/350 SMS Seydlitz by Infini I believe. https://modelshipworld.com/topic/19055-sms-seydlitz-by-canute-cog-stein-gildberg-rgl-finished-hobbyboss-1350/
  4. That just means that you no longer get paid for the work you still have to do! RE-TIRED is another way of saying that you are no longer on your 1st tired.
  5. It's an addiction that has no cure. Even if you stop building them they just keep showing up anyway.
  6. Seems like all too many top aces of WWII and Korea were sent back to the states for their own safety just to get assigned to experimental aircraft research and end up dying anyway.
  7. That's pretty much the story of my life these days Bill, so what is a few more upside downs between friends? The build is looking quite nice and starting to fil in a little on the foredeck. Gives an idea of what is to come.
  8. Nice looking demonstrator. Is the sound generated or just the normal background noise of running being picked up from the mike?
  9. Congratulations Ken I am almost sad to see her finished. I have of course followed your build avidly from the beginning and have enjoyed every installment. I hope you have a very special place reserved for her where she can be admired by all!
  10. The BMF aspect is what it is, (and of course what this build is all about) and the 38 and the 86 have to be right at the top of my favorites as well. But the 38 has so many different color choices to pick from and to be honest is from a different time far removed from the 105. The 86 is not only more contemporary but unless you are building a non US version or a FJ-2/3 you are pretty much stuck with silver/BMF to one degree or another as color choices. Might as well go for the 86 as it will end up that color anyway and you would just have to do it later.
  11. Glad to see that things are still going as well as can be hoped for you Valeriy and hopes that it continues that way.
  12. No problem with that. After all that is what the hobby is all about. Many here feel the same. Some even feel that way about the entire ship and would never buy anything for a build other than raw materials.
  13. Looks like you may have found an answer to how you want to make the sails for your Constitution, but you might want to look into these as well. https://www.hismodel.com/articles-detail-135 HIS is a very reputable company. I know the cost of these sails can be a little eye watering, especially if you add the studding sails, but they bring a whole new level of grace to the model that would be almost impossible using other methods. Your hammock crane issue could possibly have some ideas here I also think I have seen Photo etch cranes made by someone for the Revell Constitution., but I can't remember who or where. By the way, welcome to MSW. I spent a number of years living in Santa Cruz and Capitola as a child and in fact have a number of family members who still live there. I'm pretty certain it has changed considerably in the 50+ years since I was there.
  14. That works too. Almost all of them were pretty much painted the same no matter what country they were flown by.
  15. Interesting that you chose this plane to build at this time. Just two days ago I was discussing this very aircraft with a friend. They were a robust aircraft and had a surprisingly long service lifespan all things considered. They were eventually replaced by land based turboprops, helicopters, and jets though. Are you building it British, or Australian?
  16. Another excellent rendition that in spite of it's size makes one feel that they could walk the decks!
  17. Sometimes they can feel even smaller: https://youtu.be/dGC5TLPkL2s?t=282
  18. Could have been worse............ we just went through the Star Wars universe here and have a few more to go. Also in chronological order. The good part was that we didn't have to wait in line and the pop corn was fresh!
  19. We did have that, and 120 knots seemed fast when you are five feet or less from the tree tops, or better yet below the tree tops cutting grass with the main blade!
  20. You could split the difference with this kit in 1/600: https://www.scalemates.com/kits/arii-a133-uss-missouri-bb-63--237481 Or if 1/400 is not too big: https://www.ebay.com/itm/264335599406?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28 is another possible option. The ARII kit would have go be retro fitted unless you were building her in post Gulf War/ museum ship form. You should be able to find some very thin copper wire that can be wound around the 40mm barrels to make the springs. That should be more delicate looking and easier than Milliput.
  21. You cannot fool me Valeriy. We all know that the Russians like to have the largest of anything and you keep inserting giant matches into the picture to make all else look small!....................... I am, as always, astounded with your work. Hope that translates OK!
  22. Always enjoy getting a look at your Providence Ken. Even your photos are excellent.
  23. Nice choice of wording. Is it anything like the feeling of tightening posterior muscles and everything slows down to a crawl? If so I think I have had a few cathartic moments as well! Possibly without the added bonus of the high speed............ Well over 120 knots anyway.
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