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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. this is just me Frank but I paint the Wale planks off model after fitting them and prior to attaching. A whole lot cleaner and easier. Your planking is looking great.
  2. IMHO the Medway Long boat is the better model and yes it is considered moderate to advanced.
  3. Now that Chapter nine parts are available is Chapter Nine PDF release coming soon?
  4. I would remove it all. The shrouds are not rigged correctly, they should be in pairs and and stacked port and starboard. The foot ropes appear to be just glued in place are not clove hitched. You can get proper size line from Syren Ship Company. You’ll learn more doing it correctly. My 2cents
  5. I use Realistic Water from Woodland Scenics. They have a slew of water products.
  6. Eric I just purchased a Sawstop 54 PCS just because of everything you stated.
  7. I use needle nose pliers.
  8. Let me check my stash. PM me.
  9. Chuck are you going to make them a little long so we can adjust to our model. And can you supply two for the inevitable breakage.
  10. This is all a great teaching and learning experience for me. If I had to hand form and carve these fittings I would think it was going over board but you are providing us laser cut parts so it is much,much easier. I admit some are pretty dainty like the railings on top the Quarter Galleries which I broke months ago. Please don’t dial it back. You also think some of us are rushing, not true. You have only so many hours to devote to this project because you have a business to run and you are designing parts and test lazing. That takes a lot of time. I have hours to spend everyday just on this.The Winnie is all I got to do. Keep up the good work Chuck.
  11. Thanks Don, I’ll try rotating my iPad. Oh and Don your Winnie looks great!
  12. Test flipped photo upside down prior to posting. It loaded upside down. I am going to flip it back and try again. And ditto. Same thing.
  13. Taking it on a iPAD. I am going to try flip one upside down and see what happens.
  14. Winnie update. Got the outside planking done on the fore castle and weather deck. What is it going on with these upside down images. This is the only site on which this happens. They are basically the same size. Some post correctly others don’t. It is frustrating!
  15. What I did was take a three inch wide piece of cedar laid it on top and used a compass to draw the curvature of my bow on the wood. I then cut out the template matched it up as close as it would go with the curvature I just drew and cut it all with number11 blade. Did the same for both port and stud sides. Glued it in place, a little sawdust filler and done. Came out great. I would post photos but get annoyed with them always being upside down. I am in hot standby for cap rails.
  16. I use a Dremel with Flex shaft and foot control and a rechargeable Dremel and needle files. I find you need all dependent on situation.
  17. Agreed
  18. Where did you get your figures? Oh Yeah that moulding you made is exceptional. You are very talented.
  19. Great job! One of the things I do not understand is why they would configure their coal bins the way they did. The lids would always be in the way of shoveling coal. Makes zero sense to me
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