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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Tomorrows the big day. Off to the local eye guy and hopefully confirmation that the eye has healed and permission to resume contact lens wear. As a project that was manageable with sub par vision I started sorting out boxes of files left to me by my old neighbour who was a B-29 captain in the Pacific 1944 to 1945. Some interesting experiences; he was on Okinawa and Tinian; knew Chuck Sweeney and saw Bockscar fly out. He had quite a collection of nose art in amongst the pile of photos. I've scanned a few along with a sample of interesting images. Overexposed was a B-29 Shirley was a P-47 Nocturnal Mission was a B-24 Okinawa Christmas card Flight School Orangeburg SC Nashville TN If anyone is interested in any of these images I will scan and post some more as I work through them. The nose art is especially interesting but I guess you need to see the rest of the aircraft to be any use as a modelling reference Looking forward to filing thise old blocks down again soon Alan
  2. Looking forward to your build. Great to see this unusual aircraft being build and I'm sure you will do a spectacular job Alan
  3. Beautiful painting Craig and the photography is excellent too. The Uschi stencil effect is nice. Another item for the shopping list Alan
  4. Thank you Ken. It all seems to be going well so far. Yes it was a M.I.C.E. Procedure. Mitomycin Intravascular Chemoembolization Not a lot of it around so I had to go to New Been for it. Your post up care is definitely worth following Alan
  5. Thank you for the emoji Andrew. I'm already a bit wobbly with one eye so a few rums might straighten me out Alan
  6. Thank you Dan it seems to be going well, no discomfort apart from the eye drops😎 I'm looking forward to getting back to the castle Alan
  7. Thank you OC. It a bit frustrating already but at least I can enjoy everyone's builds on here Alan
  8. Beautiful work. You've made a spectacular model. It prompted me to look for my copy of A Very Special Year. The 1972 F1 season. But I can't find it. One house move too many. All I could find was the 1974 John Player Yearbook Alan
  9. Thanks Mark I'm looking forward to getting back into the castle once binocular vision returns In the meantime I have this terrible thirst for rum Alan
  10. Thank you Ken I went to New Bern NC for the surgery (an old stamping ground from my AV-8B days) and i made a great choice. The eye clinic and surgical centre was absolutely first rate and the staff were unbelievably friendly and kind (actually it seemed like everyone in New Bern was) Alan
  11. Thank you very much OC. I got home at midnight last night. The procedure turned out to be a bigger deal than I expected but the doctor is pleased with the result. Lots of eye drops for the next two weeks and no driving but otherwise all good. Unfortunately my eyesight while healing is not going to be good enough for modelling and I am banned from anything dusty (eye infection risk) so the castle is stalled for a few weeks. Alan
  12. Really stunning work. Those black and gold Lotus were great looking and your model captures it all Alan
  13. I'm adding blocks in the last sections of open structure. Just the last section with the arch and windows to complete. Then its onto the octagon tower and the roofs. the octagon tower is going to be challenging to build up. Lots of shapes to sand. I added the templates for the roofs sitting them on black caulk to try to eliminate any light bleed. That looks fairly successful although I got in the usual filthy mess when I use caulk. Doesn't matter whether its the kitchen sink or something more delicate; I manage to get it smeared everywhere. Luckily it doesn't seem to have got anywhere that will be visible once the roof tiles are in place. The stock of blocks is almost gone. I think I will make the open structure but I don't think there is enough to build the tower. I found my stash of spare blocks from previous Aedes Ars kits and I think I'm in good shape if I use them. There may be a bit of a pause in the build now. Tomorrow I am off to New Bern NC for eye surgery. I'm hoping to be home on Sunday night but I don't know how long the recovery is going to take and the quality of eyesight while that's happening. If all goes to plan it could be a couple of weeks. Hopefully there are some long-term gains to be had. Thanks for all the support, comments and likes Alan
  14. I would love to try a Lightning. That was my first test aircraft at Boscombe Down. Watching the rate of climb following an AB take off was unforgettable. It would be a great bare metal challenge too. I've browsed kits but haven't formed an option on which is the superior offering. I need to try to find my Lightning reference book which is somewhere in my fathers attic in the UK. That may be a project for my December visit Alan
  15. It will be great to see you back on this spectacular project. So many great figures already done. Your brush painting skills make the air brush redundant for this one. Enjoy and have fun. Alan
  16. Thank you Andrew. I'm going to need to review the helpful suggestions for the landscaping in the very near futue. Alan
  17. Thank you Craig. It will look better with some more sanding and some mortar in places. Alan
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