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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thank you Ken. He does look like he could happily swash a buckle. Now I’m thinking I should have given him a black mask and made him Zorro alan
  2. Thank you very much Jeff. Yes the Nabopolassar figure was supposed to be a one off attempt as a gift for a friend in Spain who is a professor of ancient history and a specialist in neo Babylonian history. She has said Nabopolassar is a favorite subject for her. Anyway it came out better than I dared hope and I found it very relaxing and enjoyable. It’s a great break from struggling with a difficult kit too. I did order an Etsy Athena figurine to broaden my horizons. alan
  3. Thank you Ken, morale sags a bit at times but still pushing forward. I hope all is well with you and Helene didn’t cause any injuries or damage to you and yours alan
  4. Thank you for the kind words and the advice. I’ll add the buttons and yellow edges to the cuffs. Alan
  5. Thank you very much OC. The black clothes had me a bit concerned on this one but the shades of grey worked very well and Art Girona do such a great job of sculpting the folds. alan
  6. I added the gypsy ear rings to the dancer and some gloss coating sparingly to her hair. That seemed to complete this figure so I completed the base. Rather simplistically, trying for a dusty patch with a bit of rather dry grass. She would hardly be dancing in a bramble patch so I kept if basic. And with the improved photo set up The Frenchman has had the basic uniform completed. I'm still not sure about his coat turnbacks and I need to add buttons but hopefully let me know if you see something badly wrong.. I have added dust to his boots and gaiters. I am not sure whether to muddy his pants. Off stage I have started on the guitar, missing arm and shako - and teh essential stool. Thanks for looking in and for the likes and helpful comments Alan
  7. Well, after looking at the face I have realised that I am punishing myself unnecessarily; the fault lies in the photography (or really the lighting) rather than the painting. I am actually quite pleased with the face. So I have added a reflector to try to reduce the harsh cross lighting that is adding shadows that look like paint overruns and highlights that are looking like light paint. So, a few touch ups on the hat feathers and then onto the base. A convenient bit of closed cell foam lying on the bench became a rock and then the usual Woodland Scenics stuff. I opted for a mix of dry yellow and green grass and a few stands of long grass. He looked the sort of chap who might enjoy a few flowers so they were added. I thought they were Woodland Scenics but they are not. It pays to read carefully when ordering from Amazon. Anyway they are quite nice and come in four colours. I think this one is finished and can be prised off the bottle top and moved to teh shelf. Thanks for looking in and for the likes and helpful comments Alan
  8. A rather mixed update. After wet sanding lightly the model looked good to paint so I tried the Vallejo Gloss Black Primer and did not have a good time with it. Even with the compressor set at a little above 30 psi I was struggling to get a good flow of paint and a decent coverage. It was very hot in the garage and maybe the paint was drying as it was spraying. The result was a very poor surface and as a bonus I could see a couple of places that were still not properly filled and smooth. Yep on the (insert appropriate word of frustration) nacelles. So I stripped the black primer back, attended to the surface imperfections and left it to set overnight. This morning I sanded down the new filler and gave the whole thing a light sanding with 2500 grit wet. It all felt smooth so after wiping down we returned to the air brush. Today (it was cooler) everything seemed to go better. The paint sprayed smoothly in light coats and the surface looks much better. I will leave it to harden overnight and see if it looks ready for teh metal. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments Alan
  9. Thank you Mike somehow the early jets of the fifties and sixties look more futuristic than today’s aircraft alan
  10. Thank you very much Dan, that’s very helpful. I’ll try the fine wet sanding before the gloss black. alan
  11. It has made a really devastating mess in North Carolina; it’s going to take a lot of work to recover. I hope all is well with Ken alan
  12. Thank you very much OC. The photos look like I need to darken the face below the eyes. I’ll touch it up a bit in the morning. The feathers may need a tweak too. alan
  13. A day of faces. I still find them very challenging. The details are about the limit of my vision even with magnification and steadier hand would be nice. I tried a suggestion from @Jack12477 and used the tip of a pin loaded with paint for the pupils of the eyes and that was much better than trying to get a round dot from the brush. In spite of the difficulties I find the faces to be one of the most interesting parts of the painting. A touch of colour and the whole face alters and expressions change with eye and mouth details. I was amused that for the first time my camera recognised both these two as "faces" so maybe I'm getting better. I still tend to end up with an expressions bit beyond my control rather than exactly how I want it but hopefully these are early days. I did get the soldiers teeth picked out so I am feeling a bit triumphant about that. The dancers hair is dull and I am trying think how to bring it to life. A touch of clear gloss maybe drybrushed on? I have a red - black paint and I am wondering about touching some of that into the hair to break up the flat black. Eyebrows need a little work here but its getting there. I added another white glaze which is probably enough and I need to build up the blue and sort out the red details. Thanks for looking in, the likes and comments. Alan
  14. I tidied up the face and decided I was happy with the features. Suddenly it seems like its time to put stuff together. I added the feathers to his hat, put his hand and spear in place and then his head. The pins make all the difference. Its possible to place the parts exactly as you want them and the weight of the pieces doesn't make such an issue of them staying in place. A few small touch ups and then the base. His spear doesn't reach the ground. I don't think that's my assembly because there is very little scope for misplacing it. It does reach the ground on the paint guide but I have noticed that the subject model on the ard is subtly different from the one you receive. Possibly prototype vs production. Anyway it doesn't look too silly and can either be left alone, concealed in some long grass or I could add a convenient bump to the base. Thank you for looking in, the likes and kind comments Alan
  15. I gave the model a coat of Mig One Shot grey primer which worked very well. Nice and smooth but still some nasty seams, especially on the nacelles. I sanded and brushed a coat of Mr Surfacer 500 on. I will sand that back after it dries overnight. At this point it seems to have done a good job and I am hoping that after a good sanding and final check I can move onto the gloss black primer. Heres hoping Thanks for looking in and the likes and helpful comments. Alan
  16. I think you are right. I have bag of mixed bits somewhere, left over from the 3D printed corvette. Alan
  17. Thanks Jav I need to try using thin pieces of plastic card for the larger gaps. Alan
  18. Mike, it looks great. You really have great skills with 3D printing and you are making the most of being able to model less well known subjects. Looking forward to seeing this develop. Alan
  19. Thank you very much OC. That clears things up nicely. It also suggests that I'm not too far out with my shade of blue. alan
  20. Thank you very much OC. This is a really nice sculpt to work on. Alan
  21. Thank you OC. I find the Vallejo a bit rubbery and has a tendency to peel away sometimes as well as shrink. Tears a bit when sanding too. I do like the disolved putty (apart from the smell) but that seems to be a solution for small gaps. Alan
  22. Thank you EG. Your NMF work with the F104 is a standard reference read for me. wealth of options for NMF is impressive Alan
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