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Everything posted by Estoy_Listo

  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. Hey, Dave Welcome to MSW. I'm a couple of years older and still working on retiring. (Almost there!) Good luck on your build and on your retirement. Mark
  3. That may be the most important thing I've learned following this website. Do-overs aren't a sign of failure, they're a sign of wisdom--or something like it.
  4. Welcome Tristan! This is a great place to play. I'm new to modeling too. I'm looking forward to seeing Blue Jacket build. Best, Mark
  5. Hey, Mike Welcome. I'm on my first build too. Hope to see pictures of your build. Mark
  6. Thanks for an excellent review. I learned a lot from it. I saw your lobster boat earlier, nice build, great colors.
  7. Welcome aboard, Doodler85. You came to the right place. Great bunch of folks here. Mark
  8. Hi Al, This is great. I started following your Pinky build and now this. I'm considering both kits. I also pondered your question (I think it was yours) about how many builds one can / should maintain. I think I have the answer. Looking forward to following along. Mark
  9. Welcome Philippe Hope to see your models displayed here some day. Best regads Mark
  10. Having multiple builds appeals to me, and Alex's point about refreshing your brain makes sense. But I'm a beginner, I'm afraid that if I allowed myself to purchase more kits, my hobby would go from model building to kit and tool collecting. You have to know when to draw the line, and I'm not so good at that.
  11. Greetings, The Longboat is on my short list of future builds. I'm in the middle of a move and shipyard is closed, so I'll do the next best and follow your work. Best wishes on your build, Mark
  12. Just found this while noodling around looking for my next build. You've got a good looking build, and you got a lot of useful advice. I'm going to follow along and see how it all comes out
  13. Welcome, Smudger Looking forward to seeing your build pictures. I'm new here myself and have already posted a few. Regards, Mark
  14. Hi Shawn, Welcome! You'll have a lot of fun here. I'm on my first build, a Chesapeake Bay Flattie, not nearly as ambitious as your first build. My guess is you'll get everything you need here. Best regards, Mark
  15. I don't know anything for sure, but I would guess at painting the interior hold a reflective white.
  16. Hi Gary, Great details in your log. The pictures against the plans work well--and the instructions are a real help for this newcomer. I'm in. I'll be the guy in the back standing on the chair. Best regards, Mark
  17. Welcome, Derek looking forward to seeing your log. Looks like you're off to a good start.
  18. Hi Tom, Welcome aboard. I'll second Doug's comment that some of us are complete beginners. I'm proof of that. Still, a great place to be. Your Longboat looks great, by the way. I'm working my way up to building something like that myself. Best wishes, Mark
  19. Popeye's right--filler is your friend. In looking around that blog I've found that folks use a lot of different brands and types of filler. I used a balsa filler that I bought on line. Very light weight, as you would expect, and easy to apply and sand. L Looks pretty crude I sanded the stem to shape and size, and was pleased to find that the bow looked pretty good. I applied another course of filler, but this time I smoothed it with a damp brush. Looks better. I added the hatches and tidied her up, and now on to the paint. I found a lot of useful information in the painting section. The instructions said to paint w/o sealing--it would give a more natural appearance. I was afraid that "natural" might mean "fuzzy," so I decided to seal it w/ a 50/50 mix of Elmer's and water. Turns out it didn't raise any fuzz at all--I was surprised by that, and wondered what I'd done wrong this time. Maybe nothing. Maybe that's just how it is. Ready to paint I"ll be using Vallejo brand paint, at the recommendation of a number of you, thinned to a paintable consistency--whatever that is. I've got scrap wood and time in equal amounts. Looking forward to practicing my painting this weekend. Thanks for checking in. Mark
  20. Hi Daniel and welcome. I'm knew here myself, and like you I've taken up modeling after a very long time away. I started a build log for an entry-level kit. It's a little soft for a lot of modelers, but it works for me, and people here support you at any level. Have fun! Mark
  21. What Cliff said: Welcome to MSW, and it's great to have some young energy on board.
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