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Heinrich der Seefahrer

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Everything posted by Heinrich der Seefahrer

  1. Thanks a lot, I'm still working with the copies now only. The 1/36 scale is so wonderful big but will give such a massive hull it couldn't be placed on my resting shelf. Here my scetch for the three points (A,B,C) in the bulkhead (E) and also in the frame (F) The points are definited by (B): the crossing of the construction water line (CWL) and middel line (ML) (A & C): upper outside edge of a square wood to fiddle the bulkheads behind each other. (I'll later do a propper drawing on transpatentpaper with differend coloured lines.) My question to the public is the followering: Under (B) is the long groove to put in a kind of middle board or shall I cut a short groove to just to lay in the keel? Thanks for your help.
  2. That looks very interesting, Albert, I like the old victory especialy due to her fineart elaborated figurehead and the interesting decoration of the early Gregorian era. I will learn a plenty from your build. Thanks for sharing and I'll take frankly a nutwood chair to look over your shoulder. Here the link to this 1/4scale figurehead replica: https://www.hms-victory.com/bones/frame?layout=simple&fr=p H.t.h.
  3. Thanks a lot, I'm still working with the copies now only. The 1/36 scale is so wonderful big but will give such a massive hull it couldn't be placed on my resting shelf.
  4. thank you very very much for your advice!!! And then I'll copy everything on frosted Mylar sheets by hand...
  5. I have now to identify the PoB-bulkhads being identical to the PoF-frames and then I'll have to transfere the frames into bulkheads. So the very first thing I do need are three fixed points in the empty over the keel's groove. So lets walk to the copyshop again and copy all the frames singulary, numbering them and then I'll be back at the drawing board doing some fine scale work. At the very end I hope to have transformed all the frames into bulkheads. That's the very idea of the hole process.
  6. Hello EJ, Thanks a lot for sharing your SR-build. I found a lot of interesting inventions you did - as colouring the blue planks before adding. My own SR is stil on her shipping way to me (coming from GB) and will be rebuild as Sankt Philippe. So a very similar thing you do - pimping the decoration. Hoping you stay in this manner of quality till you finish the last flag knob. For the ordonance's detailing there is the well known book of Wolfram Mondfeld „ Schiffsgeschütze 1380 - 1850 “ ) it is part one of a twin series where the second never appeared. Perhaps you can get in by your local libary from the Smithmodian or so. It is very helpful for barrels, carriage and rigg.
  7. I've read the hole theme but I still miss any excat idea or number of the scale. I've somewhere read about 1/90 - what is your opnion?
  8. Perchance the scale isn't worth it... But noew you have got the plans enlarge them up to 1:48 and the riveting will make your day 😋...
  9. 🤔 „IN MY VIEW IT'S NOT JUST WORTH IT.“ HsS/NYC ...that seems to be a plenty of work nearly a rebuild (after cutting down the hull down to the keel). It is much more work coming up to me than a hand full of changes I dreamed of. That is a pitty but I think it is good to stay on the save side. Better playing with Evergreen a bit on the wales and doing some minor plastic surgery on the hull. It makes no sence to tear down everything with no garanty to get a nice smooth thumblehome again - and I didn't want a staircase as newish boardside... So moderation is the order of the day - sounds silly with a Sunking's threedecker, but that's what it is: safe. Okay I've got some good and some bad news: the good is the information, the ordered kit it is on its way to me. So sadly I'm still - since the 14.XII.'18 waiting for the hole project's basis the Ancre 5,2kg pacel and squaremiles of plans...
  10. Shortly before christmas I studied the fold out plans my self. Best gratulations to choose these prototype and to start this wunderful project. I'm highly intetested to see more of your next steps and taking me a chair adding the gathering around your workbranch.
  11. What an interesting little schooner project - I'm going to take a chair looking over your shoulder. Thanks for sharing your wonderful progresses from Berlin/Germany.
  12. „She was the larges craft afloat and the greatest of the works of man.“ Futility written 1898 and telling the Titanic story including the collision with this iceberg at forced speed. Your build is wonderful and you get the most out of the kit. Please remember the massiv riviting on the hull plating. Good plans can be found here: http://www.titanic-plan.com/i_HW_plans_e.html Hope this helps.
  13. What I'm really afraid of is the figurehead and I think about it too often. But perhaps as it is three drecks high a three time so large figure might be a good idea - some Tamiya in 1/35 might be helpful... 😝😄
  14. I think in the same way, Hubac! Now back to the historical facts about SR and SP. I'll try to list the main data side-by-side... so back soon to the bookshelf:
  15. I. So it might be some idea to cut the 4mm or 0,157“ away under the gunwale. So the woodstructure ends again under the gunwale but 4mm less. This would be a heavy violation and might not confirm to the thumbledome of the hull. So I might have produced an offset in the structure. So it might be easier to lift the CWL optical and sand off the gunewale replacing it by Evergreen stripes? Or less interventional to brighten the gunwales by Evergreen stripes to get the very same effect. This must be tryed on the hull-copy directly. Perchance nothing could be canged and we have to accept that the sun king wants a ship towering over all the other ships in the fleet... His Majesty was egomanical and powefull enough for such absolute solutions. Those ideas were an integral part of the absolutistic world - we should judge about old times with their eyes not with ours... _ex_antefante_ is right way i.m.h.o. not the always best informed view from the Miss know it all _ex_post_ perspective. Let us wait for the Ancre book with the scaled plans we will see if we realy are in trouble. II. I think about the turn-over of my kit 40years ago and by this I'm horrorfied. So I think about a very solid stand for the kit. A cross as long as the hull and wider than it's beam. Two turenes wooden columns with screws inside will take the wight. The lateral forces will be taken by two even higher collums on the )0( - former with a block on top. This block's one inner side does cling to he hull and a screw will go right into a parallel wood to the floor cross. The modern screw's ends will disappeare under the signum of the sun king. So hopefully the lateral force and listing danger is banned. By this I got far far into future - but isn't it better to notice such ideas than to forget?
  16. Aaaaah... so he is a French speaking Belgian... did figured that out till now. No we do speak about the very same SR2LR-project I think.
  17. Thanks Kirill for motivating me, but this rebuild will need a plenty of time beside some other projects.
  18. Hello friends of the unusual today II start a short cut: SR2SP ! We all knoe HsH's enormous rebuild of the SR out of the box towards her real apearance. - and this remembered me on my mistake 40 years ago when I at adding the last flag torn my SR from the desk down on the floor accidentaly. I also read in Cederic L. rebuild to Le Rheyne and both together motivated me to plan a rebuild of SR as Sankt Philippe - short cut in here : SP- I'm still awaiting my Ancre monographie. It might be possible:
  19. Dear Cederic, Hubac motivated me to read in here about the beautyful Le Reyne - so I did and I'm enthusiastic to start with my Heller SR.. But the Le Reyne looks too "dutchy" to me and the balkonys I do miss as a light nearly pre-Rokkoko feature. So I'll await the receive of the new Ancre-monography about the Sank Philippe of 1693: Perchance I'll have to overstretch the arrangement of the gunports, but I'm not so courageous to close the gunports and relocate them as you have been. And by this I could try to experimentade with a (dove)blue than red based decoration. So we'll be three altogether with our SR builts!
  20. Great work you do HsH - and a damned temptation to me! Du to the fact that 35 years ago I built her and when applicating the last fag she fall from the table down on her rig... What I love most is the detail work you do. The decoration is beautyfull and the detail work is pure craftman's workmanship! Thankys a lot for showing to us. But why you don't cut away for example 1/16`` from the underwater ship parts and glue both from both sides on a 1/16`` thick plexiglas so you have got a WL-model and you keep the underwater part, too? So I would like to substitute my long time ago lost model by a better model and I don't thing I'll be so wealthy to both the SR as modelkit and as a reserve part spender. So I'm looking for some alternatives. But I'm still looking through my vdV-drawings colloection to find anything else than Le Reyne to "abuse" the hull - as a Le Reyne is still in build at a French colleague's modelyard. But why not figure out and learn from him? Also Superbe my be an option but the decoration looks lo "dutchy" with out any balkony: The Royal Louis has a plenty of figures in the transom and looks more like "Madame Trousseaus goes naval" ...it doesnÄt look very beliefable: And I so think about taking the hull and building the S.Philippe 1693 from the newest ancre monographie. What do you think is the best way to re-use the hull?
  21. WonWoToderfull start, you ade Phil! To make it more stable, you can fill the spaces with balsa wood blocks, so you get a smouth durface for the planking. Or if you a dogmatic cardener you could lay light paper diagonally over the bulkheads and create the surface for the planking like in this way.
  22. Hello GD I am still struggeling with the French language (,I've got a French textbook). So I do translation work very hard - I am lerninh French from books autodidactically.
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