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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. I had the Hannah mostly ready for “planking”: It only needed the transom pieces, and I debated on waiting until after adding the hull skin to attach them. However, they assist with the stern hull contour, so I went ahead and added them. The transom pieces were not anywhere near as painful or difficult to draw, make or install, as I thought they would be. This is good to know for when I make a frigate or other larger warship. As a quick side note, all corrugated cardboard in visible areas will be either closed off (made to look solid like the keel and breakwater) or removed, after “planking”. The word planking is in quotation marks because the initial run of planking will be made of the same stuff beer coasters are, a pulp board type paper (I found a sheet of it on an online craft store), and will be vertical, with the bulkheads. I will be using the exact same method that I did on the Prince de Neufchatel.
  2. The first painting of the model has been done: The bottom of the hold has been painted. I deliberately left brush strokes going fore and aft so I can ink it a dark brown and give the impression of wood grain. The box will go on top of it and be painted black on the inside.
  3. The bottom of the keel piece is covered: The transom pieces will be ready to cut once the patterns dry. Then I will have to carefully fit them. I have a bad habit of playing a game of Make It Up As We Go Along with my builds. This one will be no different, lol.
  4. I modified the initial plan after looking at the model of Hannah in the US Navy’s museum. I ended up fairing the entire hull and only built up frame f. Frame l was fine. Frame m stuck down too much. I am waiting on the glue to dry so I can carve down f. I cut the hole for the hold. I made two spacers and ended up shimming one side of that. I also drilled/cut the mast holes. I still need to make the framing pieces for the transom. I’ve never done this part before, so it will be a learning experience.
  5. Yes, they do, lol. Here is my solution to the issue of the bulkheads: I traced the pattern onto double thickness 1/16” x 1/4” basswood.
  6. I used Delta Ceramcoat Antique Gold for Ochre on my Victory.
  7. Welcome!
  8. I’m very sorry to hear that. My condolences to his friends and family.
  9. Once those repairs are made (or while they are drying), I need to do a few things. I need to make four transom framing pieces. I need to cut out the holes for the mast, in the bulkheads. I need to cut a hole in the framing around the square in the forward deck to simulate a hold. I will need to block that in with card and paint that to make it look like there is a deck there. Then I can fair everything and cover the hull, exactly like I did the Prince de Neufchatel.
  10. So far, so good: Everything is glued in place. I have identified a couple of bulkheads (l, the one sticking up in the back, and f), that are going to require some slight improvement. I will build them up with posterboard once they dry and do some minor reshaping. Note to self-person: check for this BEFORE you glue. I will also make some spacers where the two decks meet, between f and g, to correct a slight bend.
  11. Dan, Thank you very much for the recommendation. I am using it for my current card build and it is working great.
  12. I have started gluing bulkheads: The Mont Marte glue is working wonderfully. A quick note: I have always had problems with making the frame of the model and covering it. I am good at the detailing part of the model, but I have a hard time with the early stages of a model. Another lesson learned from the past is that this does not matter if the model started as a kit, or from scratch. Once you cut out the hull framing parts, you have what primarily comes in most kits.
  13. Welcome aboard! Gaetan, That book I have pictured has the plans for the schooners Hannah and Halifax. I think I paid about $20 for it on EBay. I finished cutting the bulkheads out and cut out the under decking. I glued the under deck to the top of the center keel piece, only. I will let it dry over night and then start gluing the bulkheads in place (which are currently loose). I am using Mont Marte PVA glue that I ordered off Amazon.
  14. Here is Ab Hoving’s tutorial. This is a great resource to learn to scratch build from card. It is in the scratch build log area.
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