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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. The first layer of hull covering is on: Now, I just need to go and get some spackle. Then, that will look a whole lot better.
  2. I found a base board in my extra bases drawer: It’s a 10 cent yard sale find.
  3. I like using card. It is extremely versatile. It is extremely cheap. This project started as a box. It is also easy to work. You just have to work slowly and carefully. I am making progress on the hull covering: I trimmed the forward bulwarks a bit. I checked to make sure I can get a scalpel in and I can. I started planning out the bulwarks which are supposed to be an 1/8” thick. Part of that is planning the gunports, which will be properly framed in with posterboard. I’ll let you all know more about how I will do this, once I figure it out myself.
  4. Thank you and, yes. It’s actually quite sturdy.
  5. It has been a very fun build so far. I made a new beakhead: Here it is attached: It’s actually fixed in place with steel pins. The glue is really only filling the gaps. It won’t break now, lol. I need to start making them from wood from the get go, instead of retrofitting them when the original one breaks. Lesson learned.
  6. I seem to have a bad habit of cutting off cut waters and replacing them. I replaced Victory’s entire beakhead because the geometry was wrong. I have now replaced the beakhead for both the Prince de Neufchatel and the Hannah because I keep breaking them off when they are made of card:
  7. Making progress. It looks rough, but so did the Prince de Neufchatel at this stage. I need to run to the hardware store today and get some spackle.
  8. Thank you everyone for all the likes! The covering of the hull has commenced! This is only my second scratch build, so I’m excited to get to this stage, lol.
  9. I haven’t built this kit, but I did build the Model Shipways Sultana, which is a solid hull. I recall there being templates. I would recommend lining them up and trying to fit them before deciding on what needs done. Also, remember that wood filler works wonders (I have used a lot of filler in my models) if the gouges penetrate below what needs removed during final shaping.
  10. Welcome! The Kate Cory builds into a beautiful model. I just got done restoring an old one.
  11. Welcome! To piggyback off the others, from personal experience, a small schooner or a cutter makes a great first build to learn on. They are also relatively inexpensive.
  12. Very cool! Well done! I would very much look forward to seeing a build log on the United States and the Delaware here, if you so chose. One of these years I would very much like to build the Ohio and the Pennsylvania.
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